Politics, Culture, and Daily Life in the Gilded Age (1865 – 1900)
The Gilded Age The Gilded Age – 1873 novel by Mark Twain Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn Crooked politicians The Spoils System Poverty
Conspicuous Consumerism More people working for wages instead of themselves More products available R. Macy, Jordan Marsh, Mont. Ward, M. Field,J. Wannamaker = Department Stores RFD = Mail Order Catalogs (like Richard Sears’)
New Forms of Popular Entertainment Saloons and Ragtime Amusement Parks like Coney Island, NYC Nickelodeons - The Great Train Robbery (1903) Vaudeville Shows - Family Variety Shows Traveling Circuses
Popular Sports of the Era Baseball - Cincinnati Red Stockings (1869) Football - Walter Camp - Rugby (1880s) Basketball - Dr. James Naismith (1891) Boxing, Horseracing, Ice Skating, Bikes
Exit Slip – Popular Culture during the Gilded Age 1. T or F: Conspicuous Consumerism exists when demand is low for manufactured goods. 2. T or F: Movie theatres began to appear in America during the Gilded Age. 3. T or F: Ragtime appeared as a popular form of music during the Gilded Age. 4. T or F: Basketball was the most popular sport in American during the Gilded Age.
African American Voting Restrictions Ku Klux Klan (1865) Jim Crow Laws Poll Taxes Property Ownership Literacy Tests (separate tests for whites and blacks) Grandfather Clauses
Booker T. Washington Tuskegee Inst. (1881) in Alabama Vocational Skills Accommodate Racism in exchange for Economic Equality George W. Carver Up From Slavery (1901) Biography
W.E.B. DuBois PhD from Harvard (1895)-1st Af. Am. Niagara Movement (1905) NAACP (1910) Advocated immediate equality for Af. Am. Hated Washington’s “Atlanta Compromise” and Accommodation.
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Upheld the Jim Crow Laws “Separate but Equal” didn’t violate 14 th Amendment Common in the North too Not overturned until 1954
Exit Slip – The Age of Jim Crow 1. All of the following were passed in Southern states to keep African-Americans from voting except a. poll taxes.b. literacy tests. c. amendments. 2. Booker T. Washington said the #1 concern for African- Americans should be ___________. a. fighting racism b. vocational skills c. Religion 3. W.E.B. DuBois strongly ________ with Washington. a. Agreedb. Disagreed 4. The landmark court case that established the doctrine of “separate but equal” in 1896 was a. Brown v. Topeka b. Tinker v. Des Moines c. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Gibbons v. Ogden
The Rise of Political Machines Goal was to keep their political parties in power Spoils System, Patronage, Graft Ran by “bosses” & appealed to immigrants “Boss” Tweed and Tammany Hall, NYC Cartoonist Thomas Nast
Reforming the Spoils System Andrew Jackson Dem. & Rep. both were guilty “Grantism” Pres. Hayes begun reform in 1877, but lost in 1880
Arthur Ends the Spoils System James Garfield (R) elected in 1880 July 2, 1881-Killed by Charles Guiteau Lived for 3 months (VP) Chester Arthur is President Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)
Exit Slip – The Spoils System 1. The most famous political machine of the era was ___________ Hall in New York. a. Carnegie b. Tammany c. Cooper d. Alumni 2. The political cartoonist who helped bring Boss Tweed to justice was __________. a. Charles Schultz b. Chester Arthur c. Thomas Nast 3. The term “Grantism” refers to __________. a. Raising taxes b. Honesty c. Bravery d. Scandal 4. The second U.S. President assassinated was _________. a. James Garfield b. William McKinley c. U.S. Grant