Pirate ships 2
How do you think pirate ships were powered? This was a long time ago, before ships had motors…
Sails The sails are the huge pieces of fabric attached to the tall poles called masts. Turn to a friend and tell what you think happens when wind blows into the sails. What do you think the sails look like in the wind? What happens to the boat?
This is when the sails are furled, they are wrapped up closed. This is when the sails are unfurled, they are down and ready to catch the wind. Sailing
Hoisting the sails / The crew pulls ropes down to make the sails go up and down. Show how you think they do it.
Bow The front of the boat is called the bow, and sometimes was decorated with a very fancy figurehead. Can you tell what animal this figurehead is?
Stern The back of the boat is the stern, and this is where the boat’s name is often carved.
The rudder The rudder is at the bottom of the stern deep in the water. The pilot turns the steering wheel or moves a handle called a tiller to make the rudder move.
Crow’s Nest Sometimes ships had a “crow’s nest,” a basket on a pole that a member of the pirate crew would sit in. From the crow’s nest, a pirate had the best view to see other ships or land.
Turn and tell a friend… What do you think it would feel like to sit in the crow’s nest? Do you think you would like that job?
The Jolly Roger Pirates flew flags called “The Jolly Roger.” Sailors on other ships saw these flags as a pirate ship approached and would often be so afraid that they would just give up their valuables! Show with your fingers how the bones are crossed on these flags. Most Jolly Rogers had this symbol.
Anchor Can you believe how big these real anchors are? How do you think pirates could have gotten it up and down? The anchor is a big, very heavy piece of metal that sailors drop from the ship to the bottom of the ocean when they want the ship to stay in one place.
Captain’s quarters Pirate ships had a special room called the great cabin. It had the Captain’s desk and bed. Sometimes these rooms were fancy, but not always.
Upper Deck The upper deck is the highest deck of the ship. The boat’s steering wheel is on the upper deck.
Lower Deck The lower deck is the area underneath the weather deck. In this picture it’s the middle level. The crew’s quarters and the galley (kitchen) is on the lower deck. I have a great picture that goes here - a diagram of a ship showing where the lower deck is. Just need to scan it.
Why do you think the galley has a brick box around the cook’s stove? Why could it be important to keep the heat and fire in one place on a pirate ship? The galley
Crew’s quarters The crew usually slept in hammocks, and sometimes in bunk beds.
Stores The stores is the ship’s very bottom deck, and is where all of the pirate’s supplies were stored.
Turn and tell a friend… What do you see in this ship’s stores?
Rowboats Pirates carried smaller rowboats with them to use when they wanted to get to shore - a big ship can’t go all the way in to the beach because the bottom will get stuck on the sand! Instead, pirates lowered the anchors to hold the ship in place and set out toward the beach in the rowboat.
Visualize… We are on a pirate ship… What does it feel like when the ship in is choppy water? Stand up and show how your would move if the waves were really big. What do we see on the boat?