SAIGE 10 th Annual National Training Program “I’m an American Indian/Alaskan Native Special Emphasis Program Manager, Now What?” Tuesday, June 4, :30 pm – 2:45 pm Presented by: Cynthia D. Dunn Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Who Am I? Cynthia Dunn, Director, TE/GE, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Highest Ranking Native American Ancestry Official in TE/GE 33 Years of Federal Service EEO/EDI/Diversity/Civil Rights Field since 1992 Lifetime Member of SAIGE Tribal Affiliation = Crow and Blackfeet Proud Mother and Grandmother
Training Objectives Understand the beginning and continuing need for special emphasis programs Identify the two basic goals of all special emphasis programs Understand the difference between EEO, Affirmative Employment and Diversity and the SEPM’s role in each of these areas Utilize analytical techniques to perform barrier analysis to identify problems and potential solutions Work with management and employees to overcome employment barriers Work with the EEO office and the management team to develop work plans Identify what you need to do next to implement an effective SEP
Quote from Senator Joe Baca Native Americans are the original inhabitants of the land that now constitutes the United States. They have helped develop the fundamental principles of freedom of speech and separation of powers that form the foundation of the United States Government.
The Need for Special Emphasis Program Managers SEPM Background * The Need for SEP Managers * Three SEPs Required By Regulation * Why Only Three SEPs are Mandated by Law, and Not Others?
SEPM Goals and Objectives Two Primary Program Goals - Eliminate discriminatory practices - Assure the target group is appropriately represented throughout the workforce
The Role of the SEPM - Member of the Management Team - Major Roles - Subject Matter Experts - Staff Advisors - Fact Finder - Information Source - Program Advocate
Staffing for SEPM Duties Permanent Positions - Full Time & Part Time Positions - Mixed Series Positions Collateral Duty Assignments - Temporary and Documenting Duties - Sufficient Official Time
Training for SEPMs - Training for Permanent Positions - Training for Collateral Duty Assignments - Examples of Training
Tips on How to Become An Effective SEP Manager! - Getting Started - Reinforce Management’s Role - Your Strategy - Brief Your Top Manager - Meet Your Supervisor - Document Your Duties in Your PD - Create Program Visibility
Tips on How to Become An Effective SEP Manager! (Continuation) - Educate Yourself - Get in the “system” - Getting time to do your SEPM job - Set up an SEPM office - Treat your program with respect
Act, Dress, and Talk Like a Manager - Your Personal Appearance - Dealing With Negative Comments - Be Informed - Maintain Your Objectivity
Maintain Formal Relationships - Official Meetings with Management - Attend Management Meetings - Prepare a Work Plan - Use a Formal Reporting System - Put it in Writing - Announcing Activities/Events - Set Aside Official Time
Use the Informal Structure - Get Management Support - Developing Trust - Maintaining Confidentiality - Your Belief in the Program
Management Functions - Planning - Organizing - Staffing - Directing - Evaluating
Implementation Techniques - Network with Other Agency SEPMs - Network with SEP Community Organizations - Publicize the Program - Regular Meetings with Management - Work with Personnel on Internal/External Recruitment Initiative - Respond to Inquiries - Communicate with Employees Who Are Interested - Keep Adequate Records
Potential Areas to Review - Employment Statistical Data - Applicant Flow Data - Qualification Standards - Ranking/Rating Factors - Selection Patterns - Method of Filling Positions - Job Announcement Procedures - Job Interview Procedures
Potential Areas to Review (Continuation) - Career Development Plans - Training Received - Competitive and Career Ladder Promotions - Testing for Selection - EEO Training for Managers - Supervisory Performance Standards - Removals (Voluntary and Involuntary) - EEO Complaints - Disciplinary Actions
Potential Areas to Review (Continuation) - Performance Awards - Agency Regulations - Agency Facilities - Grievance Filed - Reassignments - Reduction-In-Force (RIF)
SEPM Visibility Memo announcing your appointment Memo to supervisors Bulletin boards Management meetings Attend staff meetings Reports to management Introduce yourself Write articles for agency newsletter Develop SEPM newsletter and a SEPM website
Develop a SEPM Workplan Identify action items Coordinate with other SEPMs Meet with Management Support your plan
SEPM Budget Identifying cost for each item Present alternative costs Submitting your budget Be persistent
Preparing for a Management Presentation Your implementation strategy Use visual aids Start with an overview Follow-up meeting Be patient
Additional Tips Know your agency Know your managers Understand management styles Keep up with changes Stick to the facts Assign tasks to managers and supervisors Use role models
Sample AI/AN SEPM Appointment Memo Date:January 1, 2013 Subject:Appointment of new AI/AN Program Manager From:Agency Head To:All Employees I would like to officially congratulate Cynthia Dunn on her appointment as our agency’s new American Indian/Alaskan Native Program Manager. Ms. Dunn will be working with our management team on identifying and evaluating issues of concern to AI/AN in our organization. She will serve as Chair on our AI/AN Program Committee and will represent our agency at the SAIGE Organizational meetings. I know our managers and supervisors will fully support her efforts to implement a viable and ongoing program. You may contact her at (202)
Resources Role of the Special Emphasis Program Manager Two-Day Seminar Carol Rushford, Rushford & Associates 615 South Xenon Court, Lakewood, CO Office (303)
Quote by a Famous Native American “Every passion has it's destiny.” Billy Mills Member of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Tribe
In closing, I leave you with the following words of Wisdom You already possess everything necessary to become great. - Crow
Any Questions?
Contact Information Cynthia Dunn, Director, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) IRS - TE/GE: Office of EDI 999 North Capital Street, NE Washington, DC Phone: Cell: