A Fox saw a Crow. The Crow was flying. The Crow had some cheese. Her beak held the cheese. (Strong 30)
The Crow settled on a branch. The branch was on a tree. (Strong 30)
Fox wanted the cheese. Fox approached the tree. Fox spoke to Crow. Fox called her Mistress Crow. (Strong 31)
Fox paid her compliments. Crow looked well. Crow’s feathers were glossy. Crow’s eyes were bright. (Strong 31)
Fox considered her voice superior. Fox asked Crow to sing. Fox would hear one song. Fox would call her Queen of the Birds. (Strong 31)
Crow lifted her head. Crow cawed. Crow opened her mouth. Crow dropped the cheese. (Strong 31)
Fox snapped it up. Fox wanted one thing. That thing was the cheese. (Strong 31)
Fox gave Crow some advice. “Flatterers can’t be trusted.” (Strong 31)
Strong, William. Sentence Combining: A Composing Book. New York: Random House, Print.