Instrumented Launch Support Retain the Big Crow Aircraft Andy Roberts 4/xx/08
Purpose Retain a unique “National Asset” program and ensure uninterrupted availability to a diverse customer base.
What is Big Crow? The nations most versatile, agile, quick reaction, Research Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), Training and operational capability Mission Capabilities – Electromagnetic environments Electromagnetic vulnerability assessments Science Research, test and evaluation Training – Worldwide deployable mobile instrumented test and training range Telemetry Instrumented radar Electro-optics Electronic attack / electronic support Assets – Intellectual capital – Reconfigurable NKC-135 aircraft electronic platforms – Mobile ground platforms – Instrumentation & related equipment – Myriad of other aircraft via air services
Mobile Instrumented Test and Training Range
Training Exercise Support
Big Crow Air Services Variety of fixed and rotary wing aircraft available – Gulfstream, Lear, Cessna aircraft – Fighters such as A-4s and F-16s – Helicopters including the Bell 412 Capable of integrating equipment onto military aircraft – UH-60 – UH-1 – C-12 – Many others Ultra Light Lear Lighter than Air Ship (Blimp) NASA ER?
Big Crow Ground Systems Ground based telemetry – Mass data store – SATCOM relay – Remote command, control destruct RCC Communications – SATCOM – Relay Data Link – Vulnerability Assessment
Background Big Crow represents DoD’s consolidation from nine large-scale aircraft down to the two NKC-135’s: –3 Navy King Crow EW –1 Air Force ARGUS EO/IR –3 Air Force telemetry –1 Air Force SATCOM –1 MDA DC10 Consolidation resulted in Big Crow assuming new missions: –Navy ship qualification test –AF cruise missile chase test –MDA’s Airborne Laser (ABL) target board –Link and Communication testing
Problem DoD’s most capable, RDT&E, Training, and capability will be lost in FY08/09 – Why a crisis now? Air Force will retire Big Crow NKC-135s to avoid excessive military maintenance costs (Program Depot Maintenance Cost (PDM))
How did we get here? No Air Force aircraft funding; AF Fleet board decision 6 June 2006 to terminate Big Crow aircraft when PDM’s come due Air Force is excessing fleet KC-135E/B’s and won’t support Big Crow NKC-135E/B aircraft OSD AT&L decision to transfer Big Crow aircraft and program to OSD Last minute (December 07) legal determination, OSD AT&L is a policy organization; it cannot own assets
How did we get here? OSD AT&L strongly supports Big Crow and is actively seeking a solution to retain Big Crow; however time is running out – Short term solution (less than 2 years) — find a “holding” agent that can take the Big Crow aircraft and convert the operation and maintenance (O&M) plan to a much more affordable commercial O&M plan – Long term (2 years and out) — Big Crow becomes a field operating activity under OSD with authorities to operate under commercial O&M paradigm
Big Crow Maintenance Problem – Program Depot Maintenance (USAF Requirement) due with no funding available – Air Force Maintainers are being reassigned – Big Crow Program Office does not have the ability to grant its self an Airworthiness Certification
Big Crow Maintenance Solution – Set-up a Maintenance Program which incorporates both requirements of the FAA and NASA aircraft maintenance (Bridging of Maintenance Actions) Use all aircraft maintenance documentation available to generate a Low Utilization Maintenance Program (LUMP) Write a comprehensive inspection program (“C” check) that will cover the structural requirements of the Air Force PDM in a cost effect manner (This would suffice as the NASA Acceptance Inspection) Formulate a plan to comply with all open TCTOs Ensure that an active Corrosion Prevention Control Program (CPCP) is in place – Have a General Maintenance Manual (GMM) that will cover all aspects of the Big Crow Aircraft Maintenance Program Ensure that all inspections are covered (Bridging) Ensure that a functional Maintenance tracking system is in place Ensure that a real time Logistics Inventory system is in place
Big Crow Maintenance Big Crow Aircraft – Low hours – Total Flight Hours 30,626 – Last PDM August 2003 – Time since last PDM 1, – Total Flight Hours 11,058 – Last PDM June 2004 – Time since last PDM 1,030
Big Crow Maintenance Big Crow Aircraft – Clean Aircraft No major maintenance concerns Minimal number of Time Compliance Technical Orders (TCTO) open No major damage noted to aircraft structure No corrosion concerns noted on either aircraft Aircraft records reviewed noted no areas of concern
Maintenance, Engineering & Logistics Recommend NASA – Oversee the Bridging of the Aircraft Maintenance Program from Air Force to a more cost effective maintenance model – Provide Airworthiness and Flight Safety Review Board (AFSRB) approval – Bring Big Crow Aircraft Maintenance and Logistics Tracking under the NASA Aircraft Maintenance Information System (NAMIS)
Maintenance, Engineering & Logistics Recommend NASA – Approve an Airworthiness Certificate for the Big Crow NKC-135 Aircraft
Maintenance, Engineering & Logistics Recommend NASA – Provide Aviation Oversight to the Big Crow Program Participate in Preliminary Design Review Boards Participate in Critical Design Review boards Participate in Flight Readiness Review Boards – Provide oversight to the Maintenance program in the form of a Independent Quality Assurance Inspector