4/15/2017 and their sounds
4/15/2017 The horse neighs.
4/15/2017 The donkey brays.
4/15/2017 The cow lows .
4/15/2017 Pigs grunt.
4/15/2017 The sheep bleats.
4/15/2017 Hens cackle.
4/15/2017 The cock crows.
4/15/2017 The duck quacks.
4/15/2017 The bird sings.
4/15/2017 The dove coos.
4/15/2017 The cat purrs.
4/15/2017 The dog barks.
4/15/2017 The bee hums.
4/15/2017 The frog croaks.
4/15/2017 The owl hoots.
4/15/2017 The wolf howls.
4/15/2017 Monkeys chatter.
4/15/2017 The elephant trumpets.
4/15/2017 The snake hisses.
4/15/2017 The lion roars.
Can you remember?
Choose the right picture roars brays wolf lion donkey Which animal roars? Which animal brays?
Choose the right picture neighs lows horse lion cow Which animal lows? Which animal neighs?
Choose the right picture howls bleats wolf sheep elephant Which animal bleats? Which animal howls?
crows hoots An elephant trumpets
sings hisses A snake hums
chatter crow Monkeys quack
What are their sounds? sings. The bird ... The duck ... quacks. The dove ... coos.
What are their sounds? The hen … cackles. crows. The cock ... The owl … hoots.
What are their sounds? The dog … barks. Pigs … grunt. The frog … croaks.
Hope to see you soon!