Endangered Species Presentation made by Duvia Babu Std 6 A
ENDANGERED BIRDS The estimated population is less than 50 mature Crested Shelducks & because of recent unconfirmed reports of sightings. If the species still exists can be found in Eastern Asia. Crested Shelduck ( Tadorna cristata )
The estimated population is less than 2500 mature white-winged ducks & can be found in Southern Asia. White-winged Duck (Cairina scutulata)
Of its severely fragmented population, projected decline of mature Marquesan Kingfishers,area & quality of habitat. Marquesan Kingfisher »(»( Todiramp h us godeffroyi )
The estimated population is less than 250 mature cranes & are found in Canada & United States. Whooping Crane (Grus americana)
The estimated population is less than 50 mature Hawaiian crows. They exist in a singles and area of occupancy & quality of habitat are decreasing. Hawaiian Crow (Corvus hawaiiensis)
Of the area and quality of habitat, and the decline in the number of mature individuals in the population. Cochabamba Mountain-finch (Poospiza garleppi)
ENDANGERED FISHES At least 50% of the Sibeian sturgeon population reduce over the next 10 years based on actual levels of exploitation. Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii baerii)
At least 80% of the Alabama sturgeon population reduce over the next 10 years based on levels of exploitation & a decline in area of occupancy. Chinese Paddlefish (Psephurus gladius)