Mesh Technology – The answer to the line of sight challenge? Nadeem Siddiqui Chief Operating Officer 19 th Feburary rd Annual Broadband Wireless World Forum San Francisco CA
Coverage Solving the coverage problem at line of sight frequencies. 95% customer reach Performance Delivering a total access network performance capable of supporting ubiquitous broadband to the business and home x PMP Cost Achieving a total network cost of connection for 25 Mbit/s (full duplex) of $1,000 SME/SOHO/RES Radiant’s Mesh technology extracts maximum value from spectrum assets Breakthrough in broadband access First to market with innovative Mesh wireless architecture
Wireless benefits (no dig) Moves fixed costs to variable costs, Only suitable for certain customers PMP is unsuitable in high penetration business and residential deployments Point to Multipoint (PMP) architecture For universal broadband there are significant problems: Coverage vs Capacity vs Cost %50%60%80%100% Coverage/Customer reach Aggregate Network Data Capacity LOS LIMIT OVERLAPPING BASESTATIONS REDUCED FREQUENCY RE-USE Network Cost Conventional LMDS
Revolutionary new radio architecture allow customer unit (nodes) to receive and pass on information use multiple, narrow point to point links electronically control links over 360 degrees use same node equipment at trunk connection form mesh of interconnected nodes using narrow point to point links Mesh architecture changes the rules for fixed wireless access Radiant’s solution - Mesh Networks
Breakthrough in broadband access Coverage and penetration Solves the coverage problem at line of sight frequencies Ability to route around obstacles 95% customer reach can be obtained at 1% market penetration High network data capacity Delivering network performance capable of supporting ubiquitous broadband to the business and home Customer data rates (payload) of 25Mbit/s symmetric, full duplex Average capacity of 4 Mbps to 100% of customers simultaneously Low cost structure Moves more cost from fixed to variable No “big ticket” base stations Capex profile linked to revenue Mesh extracts maximum value from spectrum assets x PMP Network cost of $1000 for 25Mbit/s Mass market
Mesh network deployment
Customer Reach “How do I achieve Coverage before I have Customers?”
Mesh Performance Greater Spectral Efficiency means more re-use per km 2 Less self-interference: Narrow beam-width and spatial diversity of nodes generates less node-to-node interference shorter average links means lower transmitted powers More users per square kilometre Example performance at ~600 subs/km 2 using 2 x 112MHz 25Mbit/s peak to all users 5Mbit/s duplex to more than 30% of all users simultaneously >2Mbit/s duplex average to all users simultaneously
Business proposition Greater market share and more Services through greater bandwidth and performance Reduced deployment costs, more flexibility with greater management as customer base increases Overall reduced cost per customer and closely aligned to revenue
Revolutionary new radio architecture Massive improvement on line of sight problems over existing solutions 95% customer reach Resilient ArchitectureAutomatic Traffic Re-route Powerful Network Management and Planning Systems Making Meshes Manageable Total access network performance up-to 50 times Greater than PMP More customers in finite spectrum Uses same node equipment throughout the Mesh (no base stations) Dramatic improvement to operator business case Mesh architecture changes the rules for fixed wireless access Radiant Mesh Summary