MLAB 2401: Clinical Chemistry Keri Brophy-Martinez Analytical Techniques and Instrumentation Electromagnetic Radiation & Spectrophotometry 1
Introduction 2 How do we actually measure the concentrations of molecules that are dissolved in the blood? Spectrophotometry Mix chemicals together to produce colored products, shine a specific wavelength of light thru the solution and measure how much of the light gets “absorbed” Nephelometry and Turbidimetry Mix chemicals together to produce cloudy or particulate matter, shine a light thru the suspension and measure how much light gets “ absorbed” or “refracted” pH Meters / Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) Electrically charged ions effect potentials of electrochemical circuits Electrophoresis Charged molecules move at different rates when “pulled” through an electrical field Osmometers Dissolved molecules & ions are measured by freezing point depression and vapor pressure
Electromagnetic Radiation: Properties of light and radiant energy 3 Electromagnetic radiation is described as photons of energy traveling in waves There is a relationship between energy and the length of the wave (wavelength) The more energy contained, the more frequent the wave and therefore, the shorter the wavelength
Electromagnetic Radiation: Properties of light and radiant energy 4 This relationship between energy and light is expressed by Planck's formula: E = hf Where: E= energy of a photon h = a constant f = frequency The formula shows that the higher the frequency; the higher the energy or the lower the frequency, the lower the energy We do not use this to perform any calculations. You only need to recognize Planck’s formula and its components
Electromagnetic Spectra 5
Electromagnetic Radiation: Properties of light and radiant energy 6 White light Combination of all wavelengths of light Diffract (bend) white light and all the colors become visible The color you see depends on the wavelength of color(s) that are not being absorbed Light that is not being absorbed is being transmitted
7 Electromagnetic Radiation: Properties of light and radiant energy Wavelength Measured in nanometers (nm) or meters.
Electromagnetic Radiation Properties of light and radiant energy 8 Interactions of light and matter When an atom, ion, or molecule absorbs a photon, the additional energy results in an alteration of state (it becomes excited). Depending on the individual “species,” this may mean that a valence electron has been put into a higher energy level, or that the vibration or rotation of covalent bonds of the molecule have been changed. Ultimately, as energy is released, an emission spectra is formed
Electromagnetic Radiation (Properties of light and radiant energy) 9 In order for a ray of radiation to be absorbed it must: 1. Have the same frequency of the rotational or vibrational frequency in the molecules it strikes, and; 2. Be able to give up energy to the molecule it strikes.
Electromagnetic Radiation 10 Many lab chemistry instruments measure either the absorption or emission of radiant energy /light. Spectroscopy is based on the mathematical relationship between solute concentration & light absorbance Beer’s law
Electromagnetic Radiation 11 Beer's Law States the relationship between the absorption of light by a solution and the concentration of the material in the solution. The absorption and/or transmission of light through a specimen is used to determine molar concentration of a substance.
Beer-Lambert law (Beer’s Law) 12
Beer-Lambert law (Beer’s Law) 13 A = 2 – log%T
Requirements for Beer’s Law Keep light path constant by using matching sample cuvettes standardized for diameter and thickness Solution demonstrates a straight line or linear relationship between two quantities in which the change in one (absorption) produces a proportional change in the other (concentration). Not all solutions demonstrate a straight line graph at all concentrations. If these rules are followed, we can calculate / determine an unknown’s concentration, by comparing a characteristic (its absorbance) to the same characteristic of the standard (whose concentration is known – by definition) Concentration unk = (A unk /A std ) * Concentration std 14
Percent transmittance 15
Photometry/Spectrophotometry 16 In photometry we measure the amount of light transmitted through a solution in order to determine the concentration of the light absorbing molecules present within.
Photometry/Spectrophotometry 17 Types -Simple photometers and colorimeters use a filter to produce light of one wavelength (monochromatic light).
Spectrophotometer / Spectrophotometry 18 Spectrophotometers differ from photometers in that they use prisms or diffraction gratings to form monochromatic light.
Spectrophotometer: Components 19 Light source/lamps Vary according to need, but must be a constant beam, cool and orderly Types Tungsten or tungsten iodide lamps for visible and near infrared Incandescent light (400 nm nm) Deuterium or mercury-arc lamps required for work in U.V. range Range nm
Spectrophotometer: Components 20 Monochromators Promote spectral isolation Operator selects specific wavelength Isolate a single wavelength of light Provides increased sensitivity & specificity Types Glass filters Prisms Diffraction gratings
Spectrophotometer: Components 21 Monochromator characteristic: Bandpass/bandwidth – Measures the success of the monochromator Defines the width of the segment of the spectrum that will be isolated by the monochromator
Spectrophotometer: Components 22 Cuvet Made of high quality glass or quartz Glass – for work in the visible light range Quartz or fused silica – for work in the UV range Shape Round cuvets are cheaper but light refraction and distortion occur Square cuvets have less light refraction but usually more costly Optically clean No inconsistencies in composition No marks, scratches, or fingerprints Positioning Orientation and placement into the instrument important. Each time must be the same so light passes through the cuvet at the same place.
Spectrophotometer: Component 23 Photodetectors Purpose – to convert the transmitted light into an equivalent amount of electrical energy Most common is the photomultiplier tube
Spectrophotometer: Component 24 Readout devices Purpose – to convert the electrical signal from the detector to a usable form Types Meters/Galvanometers Recorders Digital Readout
Spectrophotometer: Quality Assurance 25 Wavelength calibration or accuracy is checked by using special filters with known peak transmission Should be done periodically Must be done if a parameter, such as a change in light / lamp has taken place. Must be done if the instrument has been bumped or traumatized. Wavelength calibration verifies that the wavelength indicated on the dial is what is being passed through the monochromator.
Spectrophotometer: QA 26 Stray light any wavelength of light reaching the detector, outside the range of wavelengths being transmitted by the monochromator. Spectrophotometers must be periodically checked for Stray Light Causes insensitivity and linearity issues Resolve by cleaning optical system
Spectrophotometer: QA 27 Linearity Check A linearity check is made by reading the absorbance of a set of standard solutions (obtained commercially) at specified wavelength(s), or by using neutral density filters Produces a graph similar in appearance to standard curve.
Spectrophotometer: Sources of Error 28 Lamp burnout – most frequent source of error Hours of use can be logged by system Watch for lamp to turn dark or smoky in color Monochromator error Poor resolution due to wide bandpass Results in decreased linearity and sensitivity Cuvet errors Dirt, scratches, loose cuvet holder - all cause stray light Air bubbles in specimen
Spectrophotometer: Sources of Error 29 Reagent make-up some test procedures make a product that easily foams Volume too low for light path Electrical static (noise) Dark current - from the detector. Leakage of electrons when no light passing through.
Nephelometer Principle Measures scattered light Light “bounces” off insoluble complexes and hits a photodetector The photodetector is at an angle off from the initial direction of the light. This is a measure of ‘Light Scatter” Clinical Applications Protein measurements in serum, CSF, immunoglobulins, etc. 30 Most of the component parts are similar to those of the spectrophotometer. Major differences: The position of the detector and reduces stray light Light source/beam= LASER light
References Bishop, M., Fody, E., & Schoeff, l. (2010). Clinical Chemistry: Techniques, principles, Correlations. Baltimore: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Sunheimer, R., & Graves, L. (2010). Clinical Laboratory Chemistry. Upper Saddle River: Pearson. 31