It’s mango time. 12/15/2009It's mango time-JJ1
A crow and her babies lived in a huge mango tree full of ripe mangoes, in Ramu’s garden. 12/15/2009It's mango time-JJ2
Ramu and his wife did not get even a single fruit. 12/15/20093It's mango time-JJ
“I’ll cut the tree down. The crows will learn a lesson when their nest falls to the ground.” Ramu said angrily. 12/15/2009.4It's mango time-JJ
When the crow heard, she told her babies, ”If Ramu gets enough mangoes he will never cut the tree down.” 12/15/20095It's mango time-JJ
Ramu was very happy when he got lots of tasty mangoes to eat. He was glad that he did not cut the tree. 12/15/20096It's mango time-JJ
Every year thousands of trees r being cut leaving no place for the birds to live in. 12/15/20097It's mango time-JJ
Forests are being destroyed for fuel, for making houses, furniture, and /15/20098It's mango time-JJ
for clearing the land so that more food crops can be grown and more towns can developed. 12/15/20099It's mango time-JJ
Long ago,the Bishnoi people of Rajasthan fought rich landlords and sacrificed their lives to protect their forests from being cut. 12/15/200910It's mango time-JJ So, let us all SAVE TREES Narration by- Steve Joe