Kindness Unit 1 Lesson 1 For The Love of Our Earth Created by Mrs. Perez-Vasquez 2 nd Grade
Vocabulary and Definitions Content Standard: Reading: Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.0 Learning Objective: Today, you will read the selection vocabulary and definitions.
For The Love of Our Earth Story written by P.K. Hallinan
Selection Vocabulary Dawn infinite glows Shimmers needlesswitness Litterradiant creed engines
Vocabulary Definitions The definition provides an explanation of the word. Carefully read the word and the definition.
Definitions To find the definition of the selection vocabulary you may use the glossary in the text book. The definition helps you understand the meaning of a word.
Dawn The time each morning when daylight first begins. The adults wake up at dawn every morning to go to work. Definition:
Infinite Past tense of infinite: without end Definition: The ocean seems infinite from the shore.
Shimmers Shines with a dim, flickering light. Definition: The snow shimmers as it falls to the ground.
Glows Shines. Definition: The candlelight glows in the dark.
needless Not required Definition: Stop needless burning that pollute the air.
Witness To see or hear something. Definition: Freddy could not wait to witness the baseball game.
Litter Bits or scraps of paper and other materials; trash Definition: The students picked up the litter on the school yard.
Radiant Lit with bright light. Definition: The child’s face was radiant on his birthday.
Engines Plural of engine: a machine that uses energy to run other machines. Definition: Cars need engines that are in good condition to avoid polluting the earth.
Creed A statement of what a person or a group of people believe in. Definition: Some clubs have their own creed or motto.
Concept Vocabulary The concept word for this lesson is Respect
Definition : Respect Respect means “to be kind and caring toward somebody or something.”
Concept Vocabulary How can you show respect to nature or the environment? Respect
Selection Vocabulary Dawn infinite glows Shimmers needlesswitness Litterradiant creed engines