Graphics Graphics Korea University Illumination Model 고려대학교 컴퓨터 그래픽스 연구실
CGVR Graphics Korea University Illumination How do We Compute Radiance for a Sample Ray? Must derive computer models for... Emission at light sources Scattering at surfaces Reception at the camera WireframeWithout Illumination Direct Illumination
CGVR Graphics Korea University Overview Direct Illumination Emission at light sources Scattering at surfaces Global Illumination Shadows Refractions Inter-object reflections Direct Illumination
CGVR Graphics Korea University Overview Direct Illumination Emission at light sources Scattering at surfaces Global Illumination Shadows Refractions Inter-object reflections Direct Illumination
CGVR Graphics Korea University Modeling Light Source I L (x,y,z, ) Describes the intensity of energy, Leaving a light source Arriving at location(x,y,z) From direction ( ) With wavelength
CGVR Graphics Korea University Empirical Model Ideally Measure Irradiant Energy for “All” Situations Too much storage Difficult in practice
CGVR Graphics Korea University Light Source Model Simple Mathematical Models: Point light Directional light Spot light
CGVR Graphics Korea University Point Light Source Models Omni-Directional Point Source (E.g., Bulb) Intensity (I 0 ) Position (px, py, pz) Factors (k c, k l, k q ) for attenuation with distance (d)
CGVR Graphics Korea University Directional Light Source Models Point Light Source at Infinity (E.g., Sun) Intensity (I 0 ) Direction (dx,dy,dz) No attenuation with distance
CGVR Graphics Korea University Spot Light Source Models Point Light Source with Direction (E.g., Luxo) Intensity (I 0 ), Position (px, py, pz) Direction (dx, dy, dz) Attenuation
CGVR Graphics Korea University Overview Direct Illumination Emission at light sources Scattering at surfaces Global Illumination Shadows Refractions Inter-object reflections Direct Illumination
CGVR Graphics Korea University Modeling Surface Reflection R s ( , ) Describes the amount of incident energy Arriving from direction ( ) Leaving in direction ( , ) With wavelength
CGVR Graphics Korea University Empirical Model Ideally Measure Radiant Energy for “All” Combinations of Incident Angles Too much storage Difficult in practice
CGVR Graphics Korea University Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: Diffuse reflection + Specular reflection + Emission + “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
CGVR Graphics Korea University Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: Diffuse reflection + Specular reflection + Emission + “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
CGVR Graphics Korea University Diffuse Reflection Assume Surface Reflects Equally in All Directions Examples: chalk, clay
CGVR Graphics Korea University Diffuse Reflection How Much Light is Reflected? Depends on angle of incident light dL dA cos
CGVR Graphics Korea University Diffuse Reflection Lambertian Model Cosine law (dot product)
CGVR Graphics Korea University Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: Diffuse reflection + Specular reflection + Emission + “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
CGVR Graphics Korea University Specular Reflection Reflection is Strongest Near Mirror Angle Examples: mirrors, metals
CGVR Graphics Korea University Specular Reflection How Much Light is Seen? Depends on angle of incident light and angle to viewer
CGVR Graphics Korea University Specular Reflection Phong Model {cos( )} n
CGVR Graphics Korea University Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: Diffuse reflection + Specular reflection + Emission + “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
CGVR Graphics Korea University Emission Represents Light Emitting Directly From Polygon Emission ≠ 0
CGVR Graphics Korea University Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: Diffuse reflection + Specular reflection + Emission + “Ambient” Based on model proposed by Phong Based on model proposed by Phong
CGVR Graphics Korea University Ambient Term Represents Reflection of All Indirect Illumination This is a total hack (avoids complexity of global illumination)!
CGVR Graphics Korea University Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: Diffuse reflection + Specular reflection + Emission + “Ambient”
CGVR Graphics Korea University Reflectance Model Simple Analytic Model: Diffuse reflection + Specular reflection + Emission + “Ambient”
CGVR Graphics Korea University Reflectance Model Sum Diffuse, Specular, Emission, and Ambient
CGVR Graphics Korea University Surface Illumination Calculation Single Light Source:
CGVR Graphics Korea University Surface Illumination Calculation Multiple Light Sources:
CGVR Graphics Korea University Overview Direct Illumination Emission at light sources Scattering at surfaces Global Illumination Shadows Refractions Inter-object reflections Global Illumination
CGVR Graphics Korea University Global Illumination
CGVR Graphics Korea University Shadows Shadow Terms Tell Which Light Sources are Blocked Cast ray towards each light source L i S i = 0 if ray is blocked, S i = 1 otherwise Shadow Term
CGVR Graphics Korea University Ray Casting Trace Primary Rays from Camera Direct illumination from unblocked lights only
CGVR Graphics Korea University Recursive Ray Tracing Also Trace Secondary Rays from Hit Surfaces Global illumination from mirror reflection and transparency
CGVR Graphics Korea University Mirror Reflection Trace Secondary Ray in Direction of Mirror Reflection Evaluate radiance along secondary ray and include it into illumination model Radiance for mirror reflection ray
CGVR Graphics Korea University Transparency Trace Secondary Ray in Direction of Refraction Evaluate radiance along secondary ray and include it into illumination model Radiance for refraction ray
CGVR Graphics Korea University Transparency Transparency coefficient is fraction transmitted K T = 1 if object is translucent, K T = 0 if object is opaque 0 < K T < 1 if object is semi-translucent Transparency Coefficient
CGVR Graphics Korea University Refractive Transparency For Thin Surfaces, Can Ignore Change in Direction Assume light travels straight through surface
CGVR Graphics Korea University Refractive Transparency For Solid Objects, Apply Snell’s Law: r sin r i sin i
CGVR Graphics Korea University Summary Direct Illumination Ray casting Usually use simple analytic approximations for light source emission and surface reflectance Global illumination Recursive ray tracing Incorporate shadows, mirror reflections, and pure refractions
CGVR Graphics Korea University Illumination Terminology Radiant power [flux] (Φ) Rate at which light energy is transmitted (in Watts). Radiant Intensity (I) Power radiated onto a unit solid angle in direction( in Watt/sr) e.g.: energy distribution of a light source (inverse square law) Radiance (L) Radiant intensity per unit projected surface area( in Watts/m 2 sr) e.g.: light carried by a single ray (no inverse square law) Irradianc (E) Incident flux density on a locally planar area (in Watts/m 2 ) Radiosity (B) Exitant flux density from a locally planar area ( in Watts/m 2 )