Energy Station Explanations
Station 1 Gravitational Energy- a form of potential energy related to an object’s height When the ball is dropped to the floor, the gravitational energy is converted into motion energy (a form of kinetic energy) The ball doesn’t bounce back to the same height because all the gravitational energy is not converted into motion energy Some of it is converted into sound, elastic, and thermal energy
Station 2 Elastic energy-the energy in an object when it is stretched or compressed In this experiment, the rubber band is stretched more when a heavier mass was added
Station 3 Electromagnetic Energy- energy from a magnetic field that is produced by the motion of electric charges When electricity was passed through the nail, the nail was magnetized, thus allowing it to pick up the paperclips.
Station 4 Static Electric Energy-energy stored by separating positive and negative electrical charges Charges build up on an object, but do not flow continuously The balloon gains more negative charge (electrons) when rubbed on the hair or sweater Now the balloon is able to pick up objects with an opposite charge
Station 4 Continued
Station 5 Radiant Energy (Light)- from the bulb is converted into mechanical energy in the radiometer Whenever light shines on the vanes, they spin When the radiometer is placed closer to the bulb, it rotates faster because of radiant energy and the thermal energy from the bulb
Station 6 Sound energy-sound is caused by vibrations that move air molecules in waves The tuning fork causes the air around it to vibrate, creating sound waves When the tuning fork was dipped in water, the change in medium made the vibrations stop faster than when held near the ear
Station 7 Chemical energy-the energy in chemical bonds holding the atoms of a compound together When baking soda and vinegar are mixed together, the bonds break and the molecules rearrange themselves, releasing energy
Station 8 Thermal energy-the kinetic energy of an object due to the random motion of its atoms and molecules The heat from your hands is transferred through conduction to the air in the bottle warming the air This causes the air molecules to move faster, making the cap jump/move