Know seasons are reversed in Northern & Southern Hemispheres DateNorthSouth June Sept. Dec. March
What season is it in __?__ : 1.Canada when it’s the vernal equinox in South Africa? 2.Argentina when it is winter in Norway? 3.Greenland when it is Fall in Mongolia? 4.Mexico when it is summer in south Australia? 5.Iceland when its autumnal equinox in New Zealand?
Detect patterns in the distribution of temperatures on the earth’s surface
Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is often misunderstood and mistaken for "Global Warming". The greenhouse effect is a good thing. It moderates our temperature. Planets without atmospheres have an extreme variation in temperature between day and night. While facing the sun, those planets without an atmosphere, get the full intensity of the sun making it very hot. Here on earth the atmosphere reflects and absorbs almost 50% of radiant energy. (see figure 4.4 p. 57 text) On those planets where there is no atmosphere it gets very cold in the night due the absence of radiant sun light. Without an atmosphere these planets have nothing to hold heat in. Here on earth the atmosphere acts like the glass on a greenhouse keeping in much of the heat. Consequently here on earth the nights are not as cold. Similar effect as clouds!!!
Generalize how temperatures tend to change as latitude changes - Do # 13 P. 58 Graphic representation shows as latitude increases generally temperature decreases!!!!!
Generalize how temperatures tend to change as latitude changes…cont’d Thermal Photography shows the same. #14 p. 59
Describe how the earth’s shape causes temperature to decrease as you move North or South from the equator. At “F” (poles) larger surface area per unit of light Therefore less heat intensity Fig. 4.3 p. 56 At “E” (Equator) smaller surface area per unit of light Therefore more heat intensity Round Shape of the earth gives the different surface areas.
An analogy!!!! If you think about it, it does make sense. In the noon day sun, the sun is more directly over head the suns feels very hot and the temperatures are hotter while in the evening the sun, the sun is at a smaller angle, it does not feel as hot.
Assess the accuracy of temperature descriptions… Comment on each of the following statements. Some are incorrect! 1.The farther South of the equator you go the warmer it gets. FALSE, Much like the north, the further you move away from the equator the cooler the temperature gets. However, in the south, unlike the north, the differences are not as great or noticeable.
Assess the accuracy of temperature descriptions… 2.Most cold but habitable locations are in the north. True, if we look at the January map, the colder temperatures represented by the greens and blues appear only in the north
3.The west coast of South and North America are warmer than the east False, there are a variety of things occurring to make this false. (ie. Latitude, time of year, continent)
Assess the accuracy of temperature descriptions… 4.WEST COAST temperatures for North America and Eurasia are colder than inland temperatures on the SAME LATITUDE. False, Generally they are actually warmer, especially during the winter months (oceans!)
5.Low latitude temperatures are always hot. TRUE. They are generally always warm/hot. Only exception…..? High Altitudes at the low latitudes!!!!
6.In the high latitudes, there is a great difference between summer and winter temperatures. TRUE. Very noticeable between the January and July maps. FALSE!!!! Because….? It’s only true about the northern hemisphere!!!
Effects on Temperature patterns… so far are: Cloud cover / lack of cloud cover Latitude The earth’s curvature Sunlight-heat concentration or intensity.
Read about Temperature patterns Try this site