Drama Prose or verse telling a story intended for representation by actors through dialogue or action.
The Play Playwright : person who writes plays. Script : printed copy of a play. Acts : the major sections of a play. Scene : small section or portion of a play.
The People Cast: all performers selected to portray characters. Actor: male performer Actress: female performer Cast: all performers selected to portray characters. Director: instructs actors on how to portray characters.
The Theater A building where a play is performed containing the stage and seating area for the audience.
Literary Elements Storyline – Plot (what happens in a play or story) Character – A person or animal in a play Story Organization – Beginning, Middle, & End.
Monologue – A long speech by one person. Dialogue – Conversation, in a play, movie or book. Conflict – The Problem in a book, play , or movie.
Technical Elements of Drama Scenery – The painted boards and screens that are used on stage as the background of a play. Sounds & Music – Background sounds that reflect what is happening in a play.
Costumes: clothing worn by an actor on stage to help represent characters. Props: items used on stage to help actors tell a story
Performance Elements Acting: use of face, body, and voice to portray a character. Speaking: verbal expression, voice projection, speaking style, diction Nonverbal Expression: facial expression, movement and gestures
Creative Dramatics Improvisation: to make up or perform without preparation. Pantomime: to communicate without speaking using only facial and body gestures.
Mimicry: to copy or imitate something very closely. Role Playing: to take on the characteristics of someone or something.