Disabled Platform Access There are two designated parking bays immediately outside the front of the main college building. Disabled access both into the college and access to all levels in the college is via two specially designed platforms. The aim of these instructions is to give an easy to follow and understand, step by step guide to you the user.
Step 1. Access to the College, The lift platform is located to the right hand side of front steps. The platform is Accessed by following The ramp up to the platform door and control panel.
To Access the Platform Approach the platform, stopping close enough to operate the controls but allowing enough room to open the door. The door is opened manually. The controls are located on the top rail to the left of the platform.
The Controls Please ignore the instructions referring to inserting a key, this is for maintenance only. The direction of travel arrows are shown clearly on the right of the Panel. If the platform is down as shown in the previous picture, then open the door and enter the car closing the door behind you.
What if the Platform is raised when you approach? If the platform is as you see it in the picture on the left, simply press and hold the down button, and the platform will lower. When the platform is at your level a tone will be heard, indicating that the platform has arrived. Also an audible click will be heard. This is the door unlocking. The bolt will re engage after a few seconds. To open the door press the down button again and it will unlock.
Once inside the Car Close the door behind you, again an audible click will be heard this is the door locking. Again you will see another set of operating instructions. Again ignore the instruction about the key. Press and hold the direction of travel arrow to reach your desired level. Upon reaching the level required you will hear a tone and an audible click as the lock opens. Push the door to open and exit the car. Should the door not open push the up button again and the lock will release. The yellow button is an intercom to reception. This should only be used if you require assistance.
To enter the College by the Front Door Having exited the car the college can entered by the Automatic door as shown in the picture. The door will open automatically as you approach. Alternatively you can access through any of the manual front doors.
Access to all levels once in the College Once inside the college access can be gained to all levels by the internal lift platform. This is a simple to use platform, but should you wish our reception staff will be on hand to help you move to your intended level.
Entering the Platform Should the platform not be at your level, due to an in built safety feature you will not be able to open the door. To call the lift to your level press and hold the button On top of the silver Post adjacent to the door.
How do I know when the Platform is safe to enter? Having called the lift by holding the button the lift will arrive at your level. It will stop automatically after a four second delay you will hear an audible click. This is the door unlocking at your level.
The Platform is at my level but the Door won’t open? Simply press the button again and the door will open. Once inside allow the door to close on its own. This will take a few few seconds. Once the door has closed you will hear a click. This is the lock engaging. The platform is now ready to move.
The Controls The control panel is located at a level suitable for wheel chair users on the wall side of the platform. Behind the platform is a cable. Please do not touch the cable as this is vital part of the operating system. The operating buttons from left to right are: Alarm Bell – Only to be used in emergencies. C – Cloak Rooms, the very bottom level. LG – Lower Ground, Lower Hall, Platt Room, Seligman Theatre, Thomas Cotton Room. R – Reception and Wolfson Theatre G – Ground, Marble Hall, Council Chamber, Censors, Linacre and Sloane Rooms and Lifts to all other levels. Red Emergency Stop Button
To Operate the Platform To move the platform to your desired location press and hold the required button. The button will light up when pressed. The platform will stop automatically at the required level. Again an audible click will be heard, this is the lock disengaging. To exit, push the door open. If the door does not open press the button again for the level you are on.