SOCIETE DE TIR SPORTIF DES MAURES Les Campaux RN 98 Route de la Forêt du Don Bormes les Mimosas Coupe des Plagistes 2011 Descriptif du Match
AIRE DE BBQ 7 1& &5 6 8 PAS DE TIR 300M P AREA 1 AREA 2 AREA 3 Ruisseau « La Mole » P 9
STAGE n° 1 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Short course 3 IPSC targets, some PTs, 1 plate, 2 classic poppers From 4m to 12m 9 45 Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Standing in A, gun loaded, holster IPSC relax position Engage all the targets in any order from the designated area Angles limited to 90° horizontal, 45° on sides « Vite mais bien… »
STAGE n° 2 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Short course 2 IPSC targets, 5 overturn plates. 9 to 14m 9 45 Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Lying on the back on the towel, gun loaded on the carpet under the hat, and all mags on carpet. Engage all the targets in any order, not over the fault line. Angles limited to90° horizontal, 38° on sides « A la plage »
STAGE n° 3 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Long course 10 IPSC paper targets, Some PTs From 2m to 11m Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Standing anywhere in A, gun loaded, holster Engage all the targets in any order from the designated area Angles limited to 90° horizontal, 38° on sides « Un peu de tactique »
STAGE n° 4 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Short course 3 IPSC targets, 3 plates From 7m to 11m 9 45 Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Standing in A (Anywhere), gun loaded, holster Position relaxe TSV Engage all the targets in any order from the designated area Angles limited to 90° horizontal, 38° on sides « Que la terre est basse… »
STAGE n° 5 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Medium course 6 IPSC targets 7m Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Standing in A (Left/Right), gun loaded, holster, Weak hand on gearshift Engage all the targets in any order from the Designated area (freestyle). Pull the gearshift will show Upper targets and will hide Lower targets definitely. Angles limited to90° horizontal, 38° on sides « Cache-Cache »
STAGE n° 6 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Long course 6 IPSC targets, 1 Gong « Lyonnais », 2 bobbers, 2 classic poppers. From 2m to 12m Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Standing in A, gun loaded, holster IPSC relax position Engage all the targets in any order from the designated area Angles limited to 90° horizontale, 38° on sides « Enfin du technique !!»
STAGE n° 7 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Long course 16 IPSC targets, some PTs, From 1m to 11m Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Standing anywhere in A, gun loaded, holster, Position relaxe TSV Engage all the targets in any order from the designated area. Angles limited to 90° horiz and in the direction of the backstop. « Vous avez le mal de mer?»
STAGE n° 8 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Long course 13 IPSC targets, some PTs From 1m to 7m Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Standing in A, gun loaded, holster,Position relaxe TSV Engage all the targets in any order from the designated area Angles limited to 90° horizontal and in the dir of backstop « A fond dans les Zig-zag ?»
STAGE n° 9 COF/Scoring : Targets : Distance : Minimum rounds : Maximum points : Start/End signal : Penalties : Starting position : Procedure : Remark : Longcourse 15 IPSC targets, 2 classic poppers, some PTs From 4m to 25m Audible/Last shot As per current IPSC rules Standing in A, gun loaded, holster,Position relaxe TSV Engage all the targets in any order from the designated area Angles limited to the top Limit of backstop. « Le Jungle …»