Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest /02/2005 Competence based mobility in trade A Leonardo da Vinci mobility project P. Mare, Kenniscentrum Handel, The Netherlands
Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest /02/2005 Why a mobility project? High priority to transparency of qualifications and mobility at European level; This calls for for an upgrading the quality of apprenticeships.
Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest /02/2005 Why KCH? In Holland many external apprenticeships, but not optimal Problems: infrastructure, means, money, supervision, coaching of students, organisation, lack of policy, companies…. KCH, as a partner of companies and VET institutes, has the position to offer solutions.
Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest /02/2005 Objectives [organisational] Creating a network with companies and VET institutes in order to develop a structural solution for: –Making visible the quality of companies; –Facilitating the organisation of the apprenticehips; –Facilitating schools in money and means; –Exchanging experiences and solving problems together; –Measuring the added value of external apprenticeships; –Making a policy to implement external apprenticeships in VET.
Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest /02/2005 Objectives [content] Using the project to pilot educational objectives: –Learning in terms of competences; –Coaching at distance (e-coaching); –Detecting international competences; –Valuing language and culture in VET; –Testing assessment instruments and portfolio.
Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest /02/2005 Partnership and roles coördination instruments (assessments, coaching etc.) exchange of experiences workshops coaching organisation assessments VET KC Handelcompanies train the company tutor accreditation of companies exchange of experiences
Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest /02/2005 Facts & figures –duration: june june 2005 –2003/2004: 74 students –2004/2005: 86 students –average duration: 8 weeks –schools: 14 (33 % of total VET instutes) –companies: 55mostly in retail –countries: 12 all in Europe