Emergency Preparedness Planning Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet
What is a Workplace Emergency? Unforeseen situation that threatens employees, customers, visitors and or the public. Disrupts or shuts down operations. Causes physical or environmental damage.
Types of Workplace Emergencies Can be natural or manmade and include: Accidents Bloodborne/Body Fluid Pathogens Aircraft Emergency Allergic Reaction Assault Bomb Threat
Types of Workplace Emergencies Bus/State Vehicle Accident Chemical Material Spill Death or Serious Illness (off site) Earthquake Fire Gas Leak
Types of Workplace Emergencies Hostage Situation Kidnapping Poisoning Rape/Sexual Abuse Suicide Attempt or Completed Threat of Harm
Types of Workplace Emergencies Trespasser/Intruder Weapons Weather
Elements of an Emergency Preparedness Program Emergency Action Plan Emergency Action Plan Emergency Floor Plans Emergency Floor Plans Emergency Drills Emergency Drills Employee Safety Training Records Employee Safety Training Records Emergency Equipment Inspections Emergency Equipment Inspections
Emergency Action Plan Each facility is to have an Emergency Action Plan listing those steps to be taken in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Floor Plans Posted Emergency Floor Plans to direct individuals to exits from the facility and shelters in the facility.
Emergency Drills Emergency drills are to be conducted on a regular basis with documentation.
Employee Safety Training Records Documents training provided and employees who have completed the training.
Emergency Equipment Inspections An inspection of all facility emergency equipment is to be conducted monthly with documentation to verify that safeguards during an emergency are in proper working order.
Brainstorm the Worst Case Scenarios Ask what the facility would do if the worst happened. Identify potential emergencies and consider how they would affect individuals in the facility.
Emergency Action Plan Emergency Phone Numbers (fire, police, EMS, etc.) posted in conspicuous places near telephones and/or notice boards. Emergency Phone Numbers (fire, police, EMS, etc.) posted in conspicuous places near telephones and/or notice boards. Warning System. Warning System. Emergency Action Procedures. Emergency Action Procedures. Area of Rescue Assistance. Area of Rescue Assistance.
Emergency Action Plan-Emergency Phone Numbers If can be used to reach all emergency services, then that is the only number that has to be posted.
Emergency Action Plan-Warning System Employers must install and maintain an operable employee alarm system to warn of fire or other emergencies, unless individuals can promptly see or smell a fire or other hazard in time to provide adequate warning.
Emergency Action Plan-Warning System An employee warning system shall provide warning for necessary emergency action or for reaction time for safe escape from the workplace or both.
Emergency Action Plan-Warning System The alarm system shall be capable of being perceived above ambient noise or light levels. Tactile devices may be used to alert those employees who would not otherwise be able to recognize the audible or visual alarm.
Emergency Action Plan-Warning System An employee alarm system can be any piece of equipment and/or device designed to inform individuals that an emergency has occurred or to signal the presence of a hazard requiring urgent attention.
Emergency Action Plan-Warning System Audible alarms include bells, horns, sirens, voice announcement systems, and any other devices that can be distinguished above and apart from the normal sound level within the workplace.
Emergency Action Plan-Warning System Employers with 10 or fewer employees in a particular workplace can use direct voice communication as an acceptable procedure for sounding the alarm providing all employees can hear the alarm. The system does not require a back-up system.
Emergency Action Plan-Warning System The employer shall explain to each employee the preferred means of reporting emergencies. The employer shall establish procedures for sounding the emergency alarm.
Emergency Action Plan-Emergency Action Procedures Procedures and/or steps that individuals are to take to protect themselves when specific and identified hazards creates an emergency. Each facility will have a different list of hazards that must be addressed in the Emergency Action Plan.
Emergency Action Plan-Area of Rescue Assistance The American’s with Disabilities Act requires employers to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of otherwise qualified applicants or employees with disabilities. An important element to an evacuation is the Area of Refuge for those with disabilities. This area is most often in multi-story facilities to ensure “equal egress” during an emergency.
Emergency Action Plan-Area of Rescue Assistance It should be noted, that customers and clients may also require the use of the Area of Rescue Assistance and their use must be included in the planning process.
Emergency Floor Plans Posted in conspicuous areas in the facility along the exit routes. Evacuation routes. Identification of Areas of Rescue Assistance. Identification of assembly locations outside the facility. Identification of primary and secondary exits. Indicate exits with wheelchair access. Indicate the employee’s current location.
Emergency Floor Plans
Emergency Drills An emergency drill is a method of practicing the evacuation of a building or sheltering in-place for a fire or other emergency. The alarm system is activated and the facility is evacuated or sheltered in place as though a real emergency had occurred. The time it takes to evacuate or shelter is measured to ensure that it occurs within a reasonable length of time.
Emergency Drills Fire Evacuation Severe Weather Lock Down Earthquake Bomb Threat Includes-employees, customers, visitors, vendors, contractors Must be documented.
Employee Safety Training Records General Training for Employees: Individual roles and responsibilities. Threats and hazards. Emergency Action Plan. Evacuation, shelter, and accountability procedures. Location and use of emergency equipment.
Employee Safety Training Records All training of employees must be documented.
Emergency Equipment Inspections Conducted monthly or as required by OSHA standards. Includes Automated External Defibrillators Automated External Defibrillators Bio-Hazard Kits Bio-Hazard Kits Emergency Lights Emergency Lights Exit Signs Exit Signs Fire Alarm Pull Stations Fire Alarm Pull Stations
Emergency Equipment Inspections Fire Alarms Fire Alarms Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers First Aid Kits First Aid Kits Heat and Smoke Detectors Heat and Smoke Detectors Sprinklers Sprinklers Must be documented.
Thanks for Attending Be Safe!