Signature & V Series Detectors and Modules
Signature & V series devices are connected into the by the slc card The slc card is the loop controller for the intelligent data circuit. All communications between the intelligent devices and the CPU are through the slc card. Each slc card can support up to 64 device addresses on VS1 and 250 devices addresses on VS2, in either Class A or Class B circuit configurations.
When an intelligent circuit is wired for Class B operation it must contain only series or simple T-tap (branch) connections.
Communications over the intelligent circuit is performed by the slc card using a broadcast polling technique. The VS panels only responds to an intelligent device that has something new to report. Each device’s onboard micro-processor determines when it is active or in trouble. This distributed intelligence environment and polling technique of the intelligent circuit provides for much faster response times than older technologies.
The Signature & V series Advantage Electronic addressing Automatic addressing by loop controller No dip switches, no jumpers, no rotary address dial Less wiring restrictions Uses existing building wire Twisted and/or shielded NOT required Up to 124 T-Taps per circuit on VS2 (63 on VS1)
The Signature & V Advantage System Device Mapping Constantly updated!! Graphic display Instant “as-built”
Each intelligent device contains an onboard microprocessor and stores the following data: Serial number Device address (CCDDD) Device type Date of manufacture Hours of operation Date of last calibration (smoke detectors only) Environmental conditions and compensation of each device (smoke detectors only) Extent of environmental compensation used ( smoke detectors only) Sensitivity values (smoke detectors only) Last maintenance date (smoke detectors only) Up to 32 possible trouble codes per device
Signature & V Devices - Common Features Controlled by an internal microprocessor On-board non-volatile memory Twin status LED's on modules (one on V dets) Flashing Green LED = device normal Flashing Red LED = device in alarm LOW communication (baud) rate provides increased immunity to EMI & RFI Fast response due to BROADCAST polling!
There are three primary considerations when wiring intelligent devices into the data circuit: Observe polarity (+ and -), it’s important. The input/output conventions must be observed, where + OUT is wired to + IN and – OUT is wired to – IN. Maintain tight wire connections. Loose Signature wiring can degrade intelligent circuit operation.
V Series Detectors
V Series Detectors Smoke Detectors: V-PS (Photoelectric detector) GSA-SD (Photoelectric Duct detector) Heat Detectors: V-HFD (Fixed Temperature Thermal detector) V-HRD (Rate-of-Rise Thermal/Fixed Temp. detector) Combination Detectors: V-PHS (Photoelectric,ROR and Fixed Temp. Thermal detector–“3D”)
The V Detectors are installed onto a variety of bases where wiring connections are made. B4U Standard base. RB4U Relay base. IB4U Isolation base. SB4U Audible Detector base (Sounder base).
The B4U standard base is a low cost base used to install V Series smoke and heat detectors into an intelligent circuit. This base supports a optional remote LED alarm indicator (RLED)
The RB4U relay base incorporates a 30 Vdc, 2 The RB4U relay base incorporates a 30 Vdc, 2.0 Amp, pilot-duty, dry contact relay used to control system appliances. This base provides normally-open (N/O), normally-closed (N/C) and common (C) contacts, which are wired into applications where relay activation is required when detector goes into alarm.
The IB4U isolation bases contain switching circuitry which opens the intelligent data line when a short is detected, a voltage less than 4 Vdc is detected or when the base looses communications with the SLIC card. Data line MUST be wired Class A. Can have T-tapped branches A short is isolated between the two IB4U’s on both sides of the short and closest to the short. The integrity of the remaining circuit is protected.
IB4U isolation base
The GSA-IM Isolation module is also available Like the IB4UIB base, the GSA-IM opens the data line when a short is detected, protecting Class A circuits from collapse due to short circuits.
The SB4U Audible Detector base provides a configurable localized audible alarm at the base when its detector goes into alarm.
The SB4U Audible Detector base wiring. The SB4U bases may also be wired and configured so that groups of sounder bases produce an audible alarm when any of the group’s detectors goes into alarm (use –CRR polarity reversal relay)
Signature SuperDuct Detector GSA-SD The SuperDuct detector utilizes fully integrated intelligent sensor technology and provides: Smaller footprint, 1.9”D x 8.7W x 5.5”H Extended air flow range, 100 to 4,000 feet per minute Extended temperature range -20F to 158F Easy installation
SuperDuct Features Inlet Sample Port Exhaust Port Wiring Terminals Easy to Remove Cover Power & Alarm LEDs
SuperDuct Features Optional remote test stations Remote LED indicator Remote LED with key switch test Remote LED with magnet test Air sampling tubes lengths of 8, 18, 24, 42, 60, 78, and 120 inches Status LED’s visible through Cover Power (green) Alarm (Red) On-Board Alarm Relay 2 Amp @ 30VDC Form C Relay follows Detector
With Signature, sensitivity testing or reports are not required.
Signature Series Modules
The Signature Advantage Ground fault detection by zone Electronic addressing Automatic addressing by loop controller No dip switches, no jumpers, no rotary address dial Up to 124 T-Taps per circuit on VS2 (63 on VS1)
Signature series modules are provided in two types to support your projects requirements: The standard Signature modules (GSA-) which mount into a compatible electrical box. The M Series Signature modules (GSA-M) which mount on a listed UIO motherboard
Signature circuit data line connections are the same for all standard modules Where: Data-in is always at terminals 3 and 4. Data-out is always at terminals 1 and 2. Even numbered terminals 2 and 4 are always positive (+). Odd numbered terminals 1 and 3 are always negative (-).
The M Series Signature modules mount onto one of the three GSA-UIO motherboards
Each module’s onboard microprocessor enables the module to be programmed to perform unique functions These functions are called personalities. Each module is shipped with a personality that tells each module how to operate and respond to the panel. 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 In some cases, a module is assigned a fixed personality code that cannot be changed. For other modules, the personality code can be accepted or changed to meet the application’s unique requirements. Personality Codes are displayed and may be changed during the system configuration process To change a modules function, simply change its personality code via the front panel controls or the pc based configuration utility.
Signature Module Functionality SIGA module device types Input devices Output devices Pull Stations Conventional Contacts Alarm Waterflow Supervisory Monitor Conventional Smoke Notification Appliance Circuits Audible, Visible Ancillary Dry Contacts Special purpose devices Agent releasing and monitoring Isolation
Available Signature module personality codes Code 1 Normally Open Alarm Latching Class B Code 2 Normally Open Delayed Latching Class B Code 3 Normally Open Active Non-Latching Class B Code 4 Normally Open Active Latching Class B Code 5 Single Input Riser Select Code 7 Dual Input Riser Select Code 8 Dry Contact Output (Form C Relay) Code 9 Normally Open Alarm Latching Class A Code 10 Normally Open Delayed Latching Class A Code 11 Normally Open Active Non-Latching Class A Code 12 Normally Open Active Latching Class A Code 13 2-Wire Smoke Non Verified Class B (GSA-UM & GSA-MAB) Code 14 2-Wire Smoke Verified Class B (GSA-UM & GSA-MAB) Code 15 Single Output Class A (GSA-UM & GSA-MAB) Code 16 Single Output Class B (GSA-UM & GSA-MAB) Code 20 2-Wire Smoke Non Verified Class A (GSA-UM & GSA-MAB) Code 21 2-Wire Smoke Verified Class A (GSA-UM & GSA-MAB)
Input Module - Signature Manual Pull Stations Single Stage GSA-M270 Single action Metal GSA-M278 Dual Action Plastic One Module address Mounts in Single Gang Box
Input Module - Signature Manual Pull Stations Dual Stage GSA-M 270P Pull Handle – Pre Alarm Turn Key – Activate Alarm Handle must be pulled to insert Key 2 Module addresses Mounts in Single Gang Box
Input Module – GSA-CT1 Single Input Module Supports: Normally open contact devices Latching or Non-latching Programmable device types on VS: Alarm Heat Waterflow Supervisory (latching or non) Tamper Monitor Pull Remote Reset Remote Drill Remote AC Fail Remote Signal Silence Single Gang Mounting Uses one module address
Input Module – GSA-CT2 Dual Input Module Supports: Normally open contact devices Latching or Non-latching Programmable device types on VS: Alarm Heat Waterflow Supervisory (latching or non) Tamper Monitor Pull Remote Reset Remote Drill Remote AC Fail Remote Signal Silence Single Gang Mounting Uses two module addresses
Also available as GSA-MCT2 Dual Input Module
Input Module – GSA-MM1 Monitor Module Factory fixed device type, N/O active, non-latching ** this means MONITOR device ONLY. CANNOT be changed to an Alarm or Supervisory device type. Only used for monitoring applications where latching activation is not required. Single Gang Mounting Uses one module addresses
Input Module – GSA-WTM Waterflow/Tamper Module Input Circuit 1: Factory fixed alarm device type of : N/O Alarm delayed Latching, Class B (with 16 second retard) Input Circuit 2: Tamper (default) or supervisory device type, configurable for : N/O Active non- Latching, Class B N/O Active Latching, Class B Single Gang Mounting Uses two module address
Output Module – GSA-CR Control Relay Module Factory fixed device type of dry contact Can be configured as Relay-Silenceable or Relay –non silenceable in VS. Terminals: Normally Open Normally Closed Common Ratings: 0.5A @ 120 Vac 1A @ 30 Vdc (pilot duty) Single Gang Mounting Uses one module address
Also available as GSA-MCR Control Relay Module
Output Module – GSA-CRR and GSA-MCRR Control Reversing Relay Modules Factory fixed device type of dry contact Used as a polarity reversal relay to activate multiple GSA-AB4G Sounder bases. Single Gang Mounting Uses one module address
Output Module – GSA-CC1 Single Riser Input Signal Module Factory default device type single riser selector Programmable device types of Audible, Visible or Ancillary Ratings 24 Vdc @ 2 A maximum Used for reverse polarity NAC circuits, now most commonly used to trip booster power supplies Two Gang Mounting Uses one module address
Also available as GSA-MCC1 Single Riser Input Signal Module
Output Module – GSA-CC1S and GSA-MCC1S Single Riser Input Auto-Sync Signal Module Factory default device type Auto-Sync Output Functionally the same as GSA-CC1 and GSA-MCC1 with the addition of built-in synchronization On VS2, ALL –CC1S circuits across both data loops are synced (along with FACP NACs)! Two Gang Mounting Uses one module address
Output Module – GSA-CC2 Dual Riser Input Signal Module Factory default device type dual riser selector for each output Programmable device types of Audible, Visible or Ancillary for each circuit Typically used for two channel audio Two Gang Mounting Uses two module addresses
Also available as GSA-MCC2 Single Riser Input Signal Module
Input/Output Module – GSA-UM Universal Class A or B I/O Module Provides up to 15 configurable device types Class A or B two-wire smoke circuit Single or dual input Class A or B initiating device circuit Class A or B notification appliance circuit Form C dry-contact relay circuit Two Gang Mounting Uses two module addresses Single-Input Signal Module Circuit Application shown
Also available as GSA-MAB Universal Class A or B I/O Module Class A or B Two-wire Smoke Circuit Application shown
Special Purpose Module – GSA-RM1 Riser Monitor Module Factory default device type riser monitor that enables you to monitor a 24 Vdc riser Two Gang Mounting Uses one module address
Also available as GSA-MRM1 Riser Monitor Module
Special Purpose Module – GSA-REL Releasing Module Supports a variety of fire suppression applications Uses six module addresses, providing: Two supervised releasing output circuits Two supervised pre releasing input circuits One supervised manual releasing input circuit One supervised normally open abort circuit One first alarm Form C, output relay
UIO Motherboards for M Series Modules Signature Series Universal Input/Output Module Motherboards provide mounting and wiring terminations for up to six Signature Series M series modules. These UIO motherboards are available in three types: GSA-UIO6R GSA-UIO6 GSA-UIO2R
the family of Signature & V Series devices: To summarize, the family of Signature & V Series devices: Virtually eliminate false alarms Provide unprecedented Information for each device Provide a dramatic reduction in maintenance costs: Ease of Sensor Cleaning Ease of Device Replacement Ground Fault Detection by Module Up to 32 Diagnostic Codes per Device Provides mapping of each loop for Service, Maintenance, and Programming
Key points to remember for a successful installation Observe polarity (+ and -), it’s important. The input/output conventions must be observed, where + OUT is wired to + IN and – OUT is wired to – IN. Maintain tight wire connections. Loose Signature wiring can degrade Signature circuit operation.