Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of Paul Gipe and are not necessarily those of the sponsor. Disclosure: Paul Gipe has worked with Aerovironment, ANZSES, APROMA, ASES, AusWEA, AWEA, BWEA, BWE, CanWEA, CAW, CEERT, DGW, DSF, EECA, ES&T, GEO, GPI Atlantic, IREQ, KWEA, MADE, Microsoft, ManSEA, MSU, NRCan, NRG Systems, NASA, NREL, NZWEA, ORWWG, OSEA, PG&E, SeaWest, SEI, TREC, USDOE, WAWWG, WE Energies, the Folkecenter, the Izaak Walton League, the Minnesota Project, the Sierra Club, and Zond Systems, and written for magazines in the USA, Canada, France, Denmark, and Germany. Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Overview of Worldwide Wind Development By Paul Gipe
North American Energy Policy North Americans are Dabbling Around the Edges of Renewable Energy Policy Little Recognition of the Crisis Facing the Continent Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Skibsted Fjord, Denmark Complacency is Not a Policy Inaction is Not an Option Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Fuchskaute Höhe Westerwald, Germany The Troika of Meeting Demand Conservation #1 Use Less Improve Efficiency #2 Do More with Less Renewable Energy #3 Invest in the Future
Typical Household Consumption Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Living Better on Less 10 Million California Households 2 x 100 W Bulbs 2 x 25 W CF 150 W Savings x 10 Million = 1,500 MW Savings!
Many More Opportunities Task Lighting Notebooks = 90% Savings!
The Result in California? 8-10% Savings We Coped with Crisis The Lights Stayed On Savings Permanent Cut Bills 20%
Swept Area per Household Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Colorado California Wind Energy Has Come of Age Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Montefalcone, Italy Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Galicia, Spain Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Why Now? Wind Works Greater Reliability Productivity Improved More Efficient Taller Towers Costs Declined Economies-of-Scale Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
40 m, 500 kW 80 m, 1.8 MW Kincardine, Ontario Northern Ireland Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
We Know What Works...and What Doesn’t Eole, Cap Chat © Vortec Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
2006 World Wind Capacity Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
World Wind Capacity 2006 ~70,000 MW Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
2006 World Wind Capacity Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
European Wind Capacity 2006 Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
North American Wind Capacity 2006 Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Wind Energy is a Real Business US$35 Billion in 2006 Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Wind Growing Rapidly Germany; ~2,400 MW/yr 20,000 MW by ,000 MW by 2012 Spain: ~1,700 MW/yr USA: ~1,500 MW/yr Growth: 20%-40%/yr Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
US-Canada Wind Market Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
North American Market Major Players USA Florida Power & Light (50% of Market) Scottish Power Électricité de France (EnXco) Eon? Canada Trans Alta (Utility) Suncor (Oil, Tar Sands) Enbridge (Gas)
North American Market Major Suppliers USA GE! Vestas Siemans (Bonus) Suzlon (India) Canada GE Vestas Enercon Other (Vensys) Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Why Wind? Reduces Use of Fossil & Nuclear Fuels Most Cost- Effective of New Renewables Relatively Benign Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Wind is Modular Quickly Installed When Needed As Needed Where Needed By Anyone Tehachapi, California Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Wind is Flexible Scale Big or Small Projects Location Near or Far Time Short Lead Times Ownership Local or Absentee Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Wind Energy’s Benefits Clean & Green (Mostly) No SO x, NO x, or CO 2 Renewable Net Positive Energy Balance (4-6 months) Domestic: Not Subject to Embargo Does Not Consume Water Modular = Flexible... and Can be Removed Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Wind Energy’s Impacts Aesthetics or Intrusiveness Erosion & Scarring from Roads Length, Width, Number and Slope Shadow Flicker & Disco Effect Climate? Noise--They are Audible Wildlife Habitat Disruption Bird & Bat Kills: Collisions, Electrocutions Paul Gipe, wind-works.org
Shadow Flicker Zone © Nordex South North Analysis Software is Available
Noise Distinctly Audible They Are Not Silent They Will Be Heard Great Reductions in Noise But Noise is Constant--Ever-Present Except During Calms Small Turbines Are Noisiest For Their Size Paul Gipe & Assoc. Air Noise Bergey Noise
Noise Footprint Paul Gipe & Assoc.
Paul Gipe, wind-works.orgPaul Gipe & Assoc.
Paul Gipe, wind-works.org Calculated & Measured Noise Emissions Source Sound Power Level at 8 m/s & & &,,, ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! !!!! Diameter (meters) Sound Power Level dBA 1980s1990s 1999Small MicroH40 !, && L=22 log D + 72 L=22 log D + 65 BWC 850 H40 AirX Air303
Noise Source Strength
Noise Community Response
Noise Limits
Paul Gipe & Assoc. Birds & Bats Before & After Studies of Big Projects Studies Necessary for Small Projects? Cros de Gerand, France
Birds & Bats Bats Appalachian Mts & Bufalo Ridge (MN) Bat Conservation Society Report Cause Unkown & Further Research In Doubt US Wind Industry Uncooperative Seasonal Shut Down Possible Birds, Altamont Pass Issue Unresolved California Wind Industry Uncooperative Disaster for Raptors & Wind Energy Paul Gipe & Assoc.
Birds Killed in the Altamont Pass Paul Gipe & Assoc. Source: Developing Methods to Reduce Bird Mortality in the Altamont Pass WRA, August 2004, P
Eliminate Horizontal Perches & Roosts No Lattice Towers with Horizontal Members Avoid Heavy Concentrations of Birds Mortality Rate Function of Swept Area, Not Rotor RPM! Both Small & Large Turbines Paul Gipe & Assoc.