Navigation and Communication Systems Prepared by: Lindsay V. Oczak Fall 2000
Communication Systems VHF HF ACARS / AIRCOM Secal decoders SATCOM References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
COMM Radios Two types commonly used for communication: VHF HF VHF (very high frequency) is used by air traffic control and operates in the VHF band between 118 and 136.975 MHz Range is 30 miles at 1000 feet and approximately 135 miles at 10,000 feet HF HF (high frequency) used for extended range communication operates between 2.0 and 29.999 MHz References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
VHF & HF Systems Both the VHF and HF system utilize transmitters, receivers and antennas. Transceivers are units that include both the transmitter and receiver in one unit. VHF and HF systems are completely independent of each other and utilize their own transmitters, receivers and antennas. VHF systems are found in any aircraft capable of two way radio communication and are largely used for controlling traffic. HF systems are found in large transport category aircraft that may need to communicate over large distances (overseas). References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
ACARS (ARINC Communication Addressing and Reporting System) Transmits short messages from aircraft systems to central facility in Chicago Two modes used Demand mode – Flight crew transmits Polled mode – Ground station transmits Note: AIRCOM is the European and Australian equivalent References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Secal Decoder Used to “filter” messages on COMM radio receivers Aircraft are assigned a tone combination for secal unit to monitor. Secal unit alerts the crew to an incoming radio transmission References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
SATCOM Utilizes satellites for transcontinental flight communications More reliable the HF communication Range is between latitudes 75º N and 75º S Uses three sub-systems Ground earth station Aircraft earth station Satellite system Capable of of transmitting information from many different sources AIRCOM, ACARS, flight-crew communications, passenger telephone, telex and fax References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Navigation Systems VOR ADF ILS LOC GS Marker beacons Radio altimeters DME GPS Transponders ELT References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
VOR (VHF omni-directional range) VOR’s operate between 108.0 to 117.9 MHz frequency band System includes VOR ground station or transmitter VOR receiver in aircraft In light aircraft this is often combined with the comm radio Aircraft display CDI course deviation indicator TO/FROM indicator OBS omni-bearing selector or course selector ON/OFF flag to determine field strength Antenna References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
VOR Operation VOR station continually transmits an infinite number of radials. The VOR receiver in the aircraft receives the signal and operates the visual indicator. The pilot determines the bearings of VOR station with respect to the aircraft. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
ADF (automatic direction finder) Operation The ADF receives NDB (non-directional beacon) signals in the 19 to 535 kHz AM broadcast low band. The ADF display pointer (RMI or radio magnetic indicator) will indicate the relative bearing to the selected AM band in that range. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
ILS (instrument landing system) Combination of several systems to provide pilot with the ability to land in conditions with poor visibility. Components LOC (localizer) Horizontal reference GS (glide slope) Vertical reference Marker beacon Distance from runway Radio altimeter Very accurate altitude measurement DME (distance measuring equipment) Very accurate distance measurement References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
LOC (localizer) Combined with the VOR system Utilizes 1 of 40 ILS channels between 108.10 to 111.95 MHz. Operation The ground transmitter is located at the far end of the runway and provides a valid signal up to 18 NM The CDI (course deviation indicator) gives full fly left/right deviation of 700 feet at the runway threshold. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
GS (glide slope) Utilizes 1 of 40 channels between 329.15 to 335.00 MHz. Operates on the same principles as the LOC. The GS transmitter is located between 750 and 1250 ft. from the approach end of the runway and is offset 250 to 650 ft. The indicator is either an ADI (attitude-director indicator) or HSI (horizontal-situation indicator). Both indicators combine other indications for ease of use. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Marker Beacons Marker beacon receivers operate at 75 MHz and sense the audio signature of 3 types of beacons. Blue outer marker (5 miles from end of runway) Modulated with 400 Hz Amber middle marker (2/3 mile from end of runway) Modulated with 1300 Hz White inner marker (1500 feet from end of runway) Modulated with 3000 Hz Operation As the aircraft flies over each maker the appropriate light will flash and an audible sound may be heard. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Radio Altimeters The radio altimeter provides better accuracy then the pressure sensitive altimeters. Operation The transmitter sends out a VHF signal downward then receives the reflected signal. The transmitter-receiver unit calculates the time needed for the signal to transmit and return to obtain AGL (above ground level) altitude. DH (decision height) used for instrument landings may be incorporated in this system. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
DME (distance measuring equipment) Range is up to 199 NM at the high end of controlled airspace based on line of sight with accuracy of ½ mile or 3% of the distance. DME operates on frequencies from 962 to 1213 MHz. Operation The aircraft transmitter sends out paired pulses at specific spacing. The ground station receives the pulses and then responds with paired pulses at the same spacing but a different frequency. The aircraft receiver measures the time it takes to transmit and receive the signal which is transmitted into distance. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
GPS (global positioning system) Utilizes a 24 hour satellite system that is accurate within 100 meters and is unaffected by weather. Has 3 independent segments Space segment – satellites Control segment – ground based monitoring User segment – aircraft Database updating and antenna maintenance are the primary concerns to the GPS user. Will be the most widely used system in the near future. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Transponders An automatic receiver and transmitter that can receive a signal (be interrogated) from a ground station and send a reply back to the station. Used to identify aircraft on radar Identification or squawk is 1200 for VFR flight Squawk assigned by ATC for IFR flight Used for emergency transmissions References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Transponder operation Three modes of operation Mode A Location only, non-altitude reporting Mode C Location and altitude reporting Mode S Can do Mode A and C and also responds to TCAS (traffic collision avoidance systems) References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
ELT (emergency locator transmitter) Required on all aircraft to provide a signal on crash landings that will enable search aircraft or ground stations to locate the aircraft. Consists of a dual frequency radio transmitter and battery power supply with a whip antenna. Transmits on international distress signals of 121.5 (civil) and 243.0 (military) MHz. Activated by impacts of 5g or more or manually. Transmits up to 100 miles at receiver altitude of 10,000 ft for 50 continuous hours. Located in an area of the aircraft where impact damage will be minimal. Tail cone area Aft top of cabin References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
ELT Testing Three switch positions: AUTO, OFF and ON Testing may be done under the following conditions: Tune VHF COMM receiver to 121.5 MHz Only within the first 5 minutes of an hour Only three pulses should be activated Listen for an audible signal when switched to ON position References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
ELT Servicing The battery pack must be changed in accordance with the date stamped on the unit. The battery pack must also be replaced or recharged when it has been in use for more than one cumulative hour, or when 50% of the useful life or charge has expired. Testing should be performed regularly. Inspections must be made every 12 calendar months. Regulations FAR Part 91.52 References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Inspections for NAV/COMM Equipment System inspections Antenna inspections Static discharge inspections Operational checks or any additional inspections required by the manufacturer References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Inspection of NAV/COMM Systems Inspect the condition and security of equipment including wiring bundles. Check for any indications of overheating in the equipment or wiring. Check for poor electrical bonding Requirements are specified by the manufacturer. Cables should be kept as short as possible, except antenna cable which have a specific length determined in installation. Proper bonding on the order of .003 ohms is important to the performance of avionics equipment. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Inspection of NAV/COMM Systems Check instruments and radios for secure attachment to the instrument panel. Check that all avionics are free of dust or contaminates. Equipment ventilation openings must not be obstructed. Check all plugs, connectors, switches, controls for operation and condition. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Inspection of NAV/COMM Systems Check all instruments for placards as needed. Check all instrument lighting and annunciator lights for operation. Check circuit breaker panel for placards labeling each circuit breaker installed. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Antenna Inspection Check for: broken or missing antenna insulation lead through insulators Safety wires Cracked antenna housing Missing or poor sealant at base of antenna References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Antenna Inspection Check for: Correct installation Signs of corrosion Condition of paint/bonding and grounding Bonding of each antenna from mounting base to the aircraft skin. Tolerance 1 ohm, maximum References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Inspection of Static Dischargers/Wicks Check for: Physical security of mounting attachments, wear or abrasion of wicks, missing wicks, etc. Assurance that one inch of the inner braid of flexible vinyl cover wicks extends beyond the vinyl covering. Assurance that all dischargers are present and securely mounted to their base. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Inspection of Static Dischargers/Wicks Check for: Assurance that all bases are securely bonded to the skin of the aircraft. Any sign of excessive corrosion or deterioration of the discharger tip. Any lighting damage shown by pitting of the metal base. The ohm value of the static wick itself per manufacturer’s instructions. References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2
Additional Inspections Transponder Per FAR 14 Part 91.411 and 91.413 ELT Per FAR Part 91.52 Functional checks of all other COMM and NAV systems per the manufacturer’s instructions References: Aircraft Electricity and Electronics pg: 294-328, AC 43.13-1B Chapter 12 Section 2