Play Timeline and Cadence Step by step directions from one play to the next.
Timeline: C all A lignment S tance K ey R esponsibility 1.Next Play 2.Next Formation 3.Assess Self 4.Assess Defense 5.Audibles / Cadence / Motion
Timeline: C all A lignment S tance K ey R esponsibility 1.Next Play 2.Next Formation 3.Assess Self 4.Assess Defense 5.Audibles / Cadence / Motion
Call: Next Play 1.As the previous play ends, the QB will get his eyes to the sidelines finding the play caller 2.QB maintains contact with the play caller until he gets the “finished” call (thumb slice throat) 3.QB instantly translates the call into the code and relays it to the right then the left 4.When that is finished the QB looks at the play on his own card
Timeline: C all A lignment S tance K ey R esponsibility 1.Next Play 2.Next Formation 3.Assess Self 4.Assess Defense 5.Audibles / Cadence / Motion
Alignment: Next Formation 1.As the QB is getting the play the rest of the other 10 are getting the formation and echoing it to their teammates. 2.As the QB relays the play call he must recognize the formation 3.Any adjustments to the formation will be on the card for all that need to know.
Timeline: C all A lignment S tance K ey R esponsibility 1.Next Play 2.Next Formation 3.Assess Self 4.Assess Defense 5.Audibles / Cadence / Motion
Stance: Assess Self 1.Once the play / formation is known, it is the QB’s job to make sure both he and the team is in the correct place / stance. 2.This should be a quick survey of the team as he moves into Step 4: Key: Assess Defense 3.Any adjustments to the formation must be made at this time. QB must “direct traffic”
Timeline: C all A lignment S tance K ey R esponsibility 1.Next Play 2.Next Formation 3.Assess Self 4.Assess Defense 5.Audibles / Cadence / Motion
Key: Assess Defense 1.When everyone is in the right place, the players will make their key calls. 2.For the QB that consists of the Safety and Box call (Purple 60, Gold 70, and so on) 3.This should alert the QB to any potential audibles that are communicated in the Responsibility part of the progression.
Timeline: C all A lignment S tance K ey R esponsibility 1.Next Play 2.Next Formation 3.Assess Self 4.Assess Defense 5.Audibles / Cadence / Motion
Responsibility: Audible / Cadence / Motion 1.The play has now began 2.If an audible is called it must be loud and said in both directions. (QB’s earn the ability to take on this responsibility) 3.Once everyone is set for 1 second, the QB starts the cadence with “Down” 4.If motion is part of the play, the QB will kick start motion after “down”
Responsibility: Audible / Cadence / Motion 4.QB finishes the cadence – “Set, Hit” – Note: It is the motion players job to time his arrival to complete his responsibility. 5.All players carry out their responsibility on the called play to the best of their ability