Protection notice / Copyright notice Topic 9: Picture this © Siemens AG All rights reserved.
Picture this Overall learning objectives: Developing a sense of scale and proportion with regard to measurement of frequency. Understanding of concepts of sound and ultrasound with use of wave model. Use of frequencies to compare waves. Assessing the advantages of a particular technology. Page 2Introduction: Picture this
Picture this Overall learning outcomes: To explain what ultrasound is and how it can be used to form images. To explain how these images can be applied to medical diagnostic situations. To use images and other evidence to form ideas and conclusions. Page 3Introduction: Picture this
Picture this Images to aid diagnosis Page 4Episode 1: Picture this
Images to aid diagnosis Page 5Episode 2: Picture this How do these make sound? Picture this
Representing sound Page 6Episode 2: Picture this
Picture this Page 7Episode 2: Picture this Representing sound
Picture this Page 8Episode 3: Picture this Audible range of humans
Picture this Page 9Episode 3: Picture this Humans can hear up to 20kHz
Picture this Page 10Episode 4: Picture this Bats use high frequency sound to locate their prey
Picture this Which frequency do bats use? How does this help them to find their prey? Why does this give the bats an advantage over other predetors? Page 11Introduction: Picture this
Picture this Page 12Episode 3: Picture this Audible range of various animals
Picture this Page 13Episode 5: Picture this Using ultrasound to produce medical images
Picture this Page 14Episode 6: Picture this First trimester foetus and yolk sac
Picture this Page 15Episode 6: Picture this Second trimester foetus
Picture this Page 16Episode 6: Picture this Uterine polyp
Page 17Episode 7: Picture this Picture this Group discussion
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