Vocab 8
1) Adept – highly skilled; expert His statistics showed he was adept at basketball.
2) Audible – capable of being heard The teacher’s voice was barely audible over the class noise.
3) Azure – the blue color of a cloudless sky His eyes were so bright that they looked azure.
4) Banter – to exchange playful, teasing remarks The students liked to banter with that teacher.
5) Capacious – able to hold a large amount; roomy The new house had capacious closets.
6) Copious – large in quantity; abundant My husband uses a copious amount of hot sauce when he cooks.
7) Crucial – extremely important It was crucial that the money arrived on time.
8) Decelerate – to slow down He had to decelerate because of the ice on the road.
9) Deploy – to arrange troops or equipment in position for battle My husband has to deploy in June.
10) Facilitate – to make easier; to help along Living in Italy for 7 years facilitated my learning the Italian language.
11) Fastidious – paying close attention to detail My mother was fastidious with her housework.
12) Fitful – not steady; irregular The hard mattress made me have a fitful rest.
13) Grapple – to struggle with in close combat; to wrestle Jake grappled with the intruders before they escaped.
14) Pang – a sudden, sharp feeling of pain I felt a pang of regret when I had to sell my Mustang.
15) Precede – to go or come before in time, rank, or position The biplane preceded the jet plane.