2 Thank you!! We can’t do this without you You are performing a teaching role in the lives of our students YOU make it possible for young people to learn these skills
3 Based on the British House of Commons Covers a wide range of topics: current events, social issues, and philosophy Parli debates tend to be witty, oratorical, engaging, and entertaining! You are in for a treat!
4 You already participate in communication activities It is the speaker’s job to communicate with you It is not your job to be a debate expert Our goal is for our students to speak to “the thinking man and woman on the street” - that’s you!
5 Two opposing teams argue an idea: Government (upholds the Resolution) - Prime Minister - Member of Government Opposition (opposes the Government) - Leader of the Opposition - Member of the Opposition Debaters do not choose the side of the resolution that they will defend
6 A different resolution is used for each round of debate o There are different types of resolutions o It is up to the teams to interpret and explain the resolution Students are given “prep time” prior to the debate o Allowed to access resources o May only bring handwritten notes into the round
7 The debaters are responsible for making their ideas clear to the judge, including: o Debate theory o Details of the topic o Organization of the round It is up to the debaters to persuade you how to vote and why
8 Number of Judges: o Odd number of judges per room (1, 3, 5, or more…) Timekeeping: o Debaters may keep time o Tournament may provide a timekeeper “Debater’s Greeting” o Debaters may ask you for your judging philosophy
9 Set aside personal bias Judge the round on the issues debated in the round Decide which side best supports their position Cast a vote (for Government or Opposition) Provide written feedback on the ballot
10 Judges and observers are allowed to provide audible feedback respectfully during the round “Hear, hear!” “Jolly good!” Feedback should not be distracting or “drown out” the speaker Audience feedback should not influence the judge’s decision
11 The ballot has space for the four names of the debaters – make sure the names are filled in before the round starts! When the debaters introduce themselves, identify and circle their speaker position. If the resolution is blank, you can capture it before the round.
12 Order and Timing of Speeches 7 min.Prime Minister’s Constructive 7 min. Leader of Opposition’s Constructive 7 min. Member of Government Constructive 7 min. Member of Opposition Constructive 5 min.Leader of Opposition’s Rebuttal 5 min.Prime Minister’s Rebuttal The round will take about 38 minutes. In Parli, there is NO PREP TIME between speeches!
Exchanges between debaters during the round Interaction should be respectful and constructive Debaters will handle these exchanges May or may not affect your ballot 13
POI – Content Unlimited debater rises and waits to be acknowledged Poses a question or makes a brief comment no “right number” of POIs Speaker at the podium has the right to decline POI Not allowed in protected time (1 st and last minute) Timer does not stop for the exchange 14
POO – rules related Debater rises and says “Point of Order” Speaker must yield and respond Judge may comment or not Allowed at any time during the round Timer will stop for the exchange May or may not happen in the round 15
16 Flowing Organizes the ideas in the round Use flowsheet or plain paper Just a tool Not to be turned in The right note taking system is the one which allows you to: Absorb the presentation Reach a conclusion & cast a vote Give the debaters written feedback
17 PMC (Prime Minister Constructive) LOC (Leader of Opposition Constructive) MGC (Member of Government Constructive) MOC (Member of Opposition Constructive) LOR (Leader of Opposition Rebuttal) PMR (Prime Minister Rebuttal) Cats are better than dogs. Cats are adorable and soft. Dogs are superior to cats. Cats scratch a lot. Dogs are loyal. Dogs protect people. Dogs scratch too. And bite. Dogs run away.
18 Immediately following round, take your ballot to the designated area for completion Don't ask questions or give verbal feedback Don’t disclose your decision Don’t solicit opinions about the round from anyone
19 Speed Ballots help us keep the tournament on time! Instructions are on the bottom half of the ballot Turn the Speed Ballot in once you’ve decided: Which team to vote for Speaker points & ranking
Two Independent Decisions: 1.Vote for Government or Opposition Double Loss = disciplinary only 2.Reward individual speaking ability
21 Evaluate the Speakers: Total Speaker Points Rank speakers Speaker points determine rank Speaker points may be tied Break ties with rank Lower speaker points may win round 25
22 On the regular ballot: Add feedback for each speaker Add your Reason for Decision Tournament staff will be available to answer questions
23 Provide written feedback to the debaters! o Your teaching investment in our students Judge the round based upon issues discussed in the round: o Set aside personal bias/opinion o Be prepared to vote for a position you do not hold o Decide based on how well each side argues for their position
24 Take your completed ballot to the Ballot Collection Table. Please wait while the Ballot collection team double- checks your ballot for you. After your ballot is turned in, please notify the Ballot Administration table if you would like to judge the next round! THANK YOU FOR JUDGING!