Department of Continuous Improvement Initiatives School Advisory Council Training Dr. Terrie Mitev, Executive Director Mrs. Jodi Cronin, Coordinator of School Improvement
1.SAC Membership 2.Policies and Procedures of the SAC 3.Government in the Sunshine Agenda:
A council (not committee) with statutory authority to serve in an advisory role supporting a school’s improvement Established to give parents, students, community members, and teachers a greater role in the decision making process at their schools The School Advisory Council:
Who are the SAC Members? (State Statue ) By Statute –Principal By Election –Teachers –Other School Staff members *These members represent less than 50% of the membership. By Election –Parents –Students - only in secondary schools By Appointment –Community Stakeholders *These members represent more than 50% of the membership.
Elected from their peer groups Must represent “the ethnic, racial and economic makeup of the community served by the school” Majority of the school’s SAC members (over 51%) not employed by the school district Community members may be appointed to achieve ethnic balance SAC Members
August/September – SAC vacancies advertised 2 general notifications made to peer groups (notifications must include information on the nomination process and deadlines) Election by peer group Appointments of community stakeholders made by the Principal subject to SAC member consensus SAC Elections and Appointments:
Is the principal a voting member? YES Can the assistant principal be a member? No. An assistant principal can and probably should attend meetings and give input, but may not be a voting member of SAC What is the allowable % difference between student demographic composition and SAC composition? –DOE recommends a maximum of 10%. –In case of an audit, documentation will be required showing every effort was made to achieve compliance. SAC Membership FAQ
The SAC assists school leadership in decisions related to Evaluation of schools’ improvement initiatives/results Preparation and approval of school improvement plan Review of school improvement strategies and quarterly assessment data Annual school budget and use of school improvement funds Approval of the use of A+ Recognition funds (if awarded) SAC Responsibilities
Title IV, Allocation of revenues and expenditure of funds for public education (State Lotteries) Funds: May be expended only on programs/projects selected by SAC Not subject to override by the principal or school district staff (subject to audit) Not used for capital improvements or projects over one year - however SAC may determine to approve for subsequent year School Improvement Funds
Use of funds jointly determined by faculty & SAC; may be used in several ways (bonuses, materials & supplies, temporary personnel or any combination) Decision not reached by February 1: funds dispersed as bonuses classroom teachers currently teaching this school year (ss ‐ State Lotteries) School Recognition Funds
Statutory requirement: By-Laws/Operations Manual Review and update annually Clear processes for: –Nominating and voting –Membership terms –Responsibilities and functions of the Council Establishes –Minimum of 8 duly advertised regular meeting dates –Procedures for replacing any members missing 2 or more meetings *Robert’s Rules of Order are not required by statute, but many schools choose to put them in their By-Laws/Operations Manual.Robert’s Rules of Order SAC Bylaws/Operations Manual
5 days advance written notice of upcoming votes to all SAC members Vote requires quorum (51%) present Meetings to be scheduled when parents, students, teachers, business persons, and members of the community can attend Maintain detailed minutes of all meetings Minutes must be available in school office SAC Meetings
School Improvement Plan School Improvement Funds School Recognition Funds SAC: Required Votes
Required in Statute and Policy Verification of proper procedures in voting Attendance: quorum records Documentation of decisions & business Accelerate business Succeeding officers, & members SAC Minutes!
MNUTES[DATE][TIME][Location] SAC CHAIR[Name] PRINCPAL NOTIFICATION OF MEETING [Date sent, method, location of posted notification] MEMBERS PRESENT[List Names] MEMBERS ABSENT[List Names] QUORUM PRESENT?[Yes/No] WELCOME[Record all pertinent information] APPROVAL OF MINUTES[Record all pertinent information] CHANGES TO AGENDA[Record all pertinent information] AGENDA ITEM 1[Record all pertinent information] AGENDA ITEM 2[Record all pertinent information] AGENDA ITEM 3[Record all pertinent information] AGENDA ITEM 4[Record all pertinent information] AGENDA ITEM 5[Record all pertinent information] OPEN AGENDA[Record all pertinent information] NEXT MEETING: DATE NEXT MEETING: AGENDA TOPICS MINUTES SUBMITTED BY Minutes Include
SAC meetings are public meetings and subject to the Sunshine Law ss (1) –Reasonable Notice –Open to public –Held in public locations –Minutes taken, votes recorded & available to public (public records) –Open voting---no secret ballots Florida Sunshine Law
Public advertising of meeting. Public meeting place. Accessible to the public. Welcome to the public. Audible to the public. Public may videotape or record meetings. Public participation. Minutes taken, votes recorded & available to public (public records) Even just 2 members discussing SAC must be “in the Sunshine” (can include agenda prep) Florida Sunshine Law
Minimum of 8 meetings per year. Average 80% attendance of members. Annual presentation of School Improvement Plan to school community after public notice all stakeholders (school marquee, flyers, etc.). Evidence of ongoing training and/or development of the SAC School Improvement Plan reflects one new idea that involves the community in its implementation. School Advisory Council participated in the development and/or interpretation of the needs assessment data. Provide training for staff and SAC members on collaborative partnering and shared decision ‐ making. SAC and 5 Star School Award
1.SAC Membership 2.Polices and Procedures of the SAC 3.Government in the Sunshine Questions or Comments Summary
For additional information, contact: Dr. Terrie Mitev, Mrs. Jodi Cronin, Thank you for willing to serve on the School Advisory Council!