THE BEAUTIFUL SWAMP Read Pages (26-33) Reread page 41(31) last paragraph - “He was almost directly beneath her now…” Add to your Book One Questions: 14a. What do you think happened to Charles “Chip” Clewt? 14b. How do you think Chip would feel if he knew what she was thinking? Reread pages (13-14) Focus: Contrast Sam’s night in the swamp to Chip’s description of the swamp. Great Dismal Swamp Power point Read pages 43 - ? (33 - ?)
VOCABULARY HOMEWORK DUE BY FRIDAY FOLDABLE to include DEFINITION WHY WORD IS IMPORTANT TO THE STORY PICTURE Six words: Moratorium Poacher Predicament Audible Incidental Biologist
WEIRDO ACTIVITY 1.Read pages (9-10) – the italicized section about black bears 2.Take Cornell Notes on the section Questions/Main Ideas are filled in 3.Quiz tomorrow on Black Bears 4.Read pages (33-40) 5.Answer #14 &15 on notebook paper in complete sentences and turn them in to the drawer 6.Study your Cornell Notes