Digital audio recording Kimmo Tukiainen
My background playing music since I was five first time in a studio at fourteen recording on my own for six months
Topics Basics of sound Recording equipment Workflow Software overview
Basics of sound
Sound is a mechanical wave
Wavelength, amplitude and frequency
Audible range Human: ,000 Hz Bat: ,000 Hz Dog: ,000 Hz Elephant: ,000 Hz Frog: ,500 Hz
Decibels (dB) and zero level One decibel is the amount by which the pressure of a pure sine wave of sound must be varied in order for the change to be detected by the average human ear. The decibel can express an actual level only when comparing with some definite reference level that is assumed to zero dB.
Sampling Makes a wave file (.wav) Mono or stereo Sample rate samples per second Bit depth How accurately values are defined
Sampling examples 44KHz 16-bit 44KHz 8-bit 22KHz 8-Bit 11KHz 8-bit
MIDI A standard for connecting electronic musical instruments to a computer and storing musical DATA describes the music (like XML) light files
Analog recording equipment sound source track on a tape preamp/mixer
Digital recording equipment sound source hard drive keyboard ad converter / sound card MIDI interface
Inputs line microphone MIDI phono
Making a project –Sample rate / bit depth –Click settings Recording –Adjusting input level –MIDI and Wave –stereo or mono
Mixing –Volume, pan, effects –Placing sounds in the audio landscape –bouncing Mastering –Compressing –Equalizing –boosting the overall level by limiting or normalizing
Publishing –File format, (file)compression
Logic Audio
Track automation
Sound quality issues noise clipping equipment (microphones, converters)
Q & A