Earthquakes Forces That Build and Destroy The Earth By: Emily
Breaking News Okay I understand that you want to read about earthquakes but you need to pay you’re subscription. Thank you, now lets talk about earthquakes!Do you even know what a earthquake is? An earthquake is a natural event when the earths crust shakes or vibrates. There is also plate tectonics which is a theory that explains the origin of the Earth’s surface. Plate tectonics are the thirty plates or pieces of land on the Earth’s surface. Plate tectonics get their name from the Greek word” tecton” meaning builders. These plates move by relevating to each other.The number of earthquakes in a year is five thousand to fifty thousand!If you live in a urban area you could have devastating damage. To have a better understanding of earthquakes we need to learn about faults. This 1906 earthquake in San Francisco caused major damage to the city of San Francisco.
Don’t Cry its not you’re fault! Let’s talk faults and earthquakes! A fault is a area of stress in the Earth’s surface. Or when two parts of the crust slip from each other. Plus when the rocks slide past each other, causing a crack in the Earth’s surface. Here are some types of faults Dip-slip, normal, dip-slip reverse, strike-slip, and finally oblique-slip. Also faults can move during an earthquakes. Faults occur at plate boundaries. They can also occur through the tectonic plate. Do you know what a fault zone is? Well, its where the Earth’s crust is broken. Do you know what a fault zone is? Well, faults are set off by the movement of the tectonic plates. Well, this is al I have to say about what faults are. So with that let’s learn about how a scientist would measure earthquakes without using weight. Movement of the Denali Fault caused this tree to split.
No weight, just mathematics Kid: Richter!! Me: Mercalli! Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there. I was just finishing up telling this kid to get lost and to tell all of his friends that the Richter scale rocks but he refused to. But I need to tell you how to measure earthquakes. I know you want to know, but you’re just standing here breathing out loud waiting for me to tell you on how earthquakes are measured. First let me tell you the two types of units to measure earthquakes. They are the Mercalli and the Richter scale. The most recognized scale is the Richter. When scientists measure they use several laser devices. Now back to the history of the Richter scale. Charles Richter invented the Richter scale. He wanted to use a mathematical scale to measure earthquakes. The Richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake. A higher number on the Richter scale means the bigger the earthquake and damage. Scientists use a mathematical scale called logarithm, this measures the earthquakes power. Well that’s all I know about earthquakes but keep reading to find out what a tsunami is! This is a picture of Charles Richter, he invented the Richter scale.
No more tidals When you see a big wave while you’re at the beach run! Because if you don’t you may never see the light of day again. First let me tell you the three stages of a tsunami. First the generation or when the earthquake or event that causes a tsunami. Next propagation or how the waves of the tsunami move or spread. Last nut not least, inoculation or the flooding when the tsunami hits or strikes. If you want to know what a tsunami is set off by I’ll tell you.It is set off by a submarine earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, and finally asteroid impact. Now if you would kindly explain what a tsunami is. A tsunami is a series of powerful monstrous ocean waves. Tsunamis can travel great distances, plus retrain power and strength. Tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning tidal wave when it isn't. If a tsunami hits the coastline it can drown it! And so tsunamis occur near coastlines. Did you know that one tsunami can be fifty feet tall and can travel across the entire Pacific Ocean!This is how tsunamis come from underwater earthquakes.Now we will read about who San Andreas is. This is a result of a tsunami. If a earthquake occurs and you’re in or near a coastal area turn on a radio and listen for a tsunami warning.
Who’s San Andreas a boy or a girl? Miss- I-know-everything about San Andreas is wrong she’s not even a person. Most earthquakes happen in California because of the San Andreas fault. It is a fault line that starts in California and travels to Baja, Mexico. That’s big! This fault is also a fault zone. If a crack hits the San Andreas fault there will be a earthquake. Well, if you want to learn more on the San Andreas fault you my friend need to consult with a encyclopedia. Next up, do earthquakes cause big bills or a big break ? This is a picture of the San Andreas fault line in California.
Big bill or big break? Ever wonder if earthquakes cause big bills or a big break. Well, keep reading to find out.An earthquake destroys the earth because the ground breaks. Do earthquakes build? Yes they do! Earthquakes also build because when two plates push each other. This helps build hills and mountains. Well, that’s all of my writing read my glossary next! The great San Francisco earthquake in 1906 caused major damage. It was a 8.2 on the Richter scale and it was the biggest earthquake to hit the San Andreas fault in the last 200 years!
Glossary California- a state of the west coast. California is usually recognized for its beaches. Earth- the planet where you are standing on which contains ninety percent of water. Earthquake- a natural even the when the earths crust shakes or vibrates. Faults- is a area of stress in the Earths surface. Hill- a small bump in the earths surface. It is smaller than a mountain. Mexico – a country that is bordered by Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Mountain- a area of land that can be formed by a earthquake. Tsunami- a fifty to one hundred foot wave of water that hits coast lines, a tsunami is not a tidal wave.