Goal Homework Warm-up To identify the different layers that make up the Earth’s interior DR 4.1 Please take out your homework. Then, in your science journal: Look at p. 96 – 97 in your book. Based on composition, what are the 3 layers of the Earth? Describe what each layer is made of.
With the people around you, come up with a list of three scientific mysteries mentioned in the video, and what evidence scientists used to help figure out what really happened during the formation the Grand Canyon
A.Earth’s layers Divided up in two ways: (1)Composition (the compounds they’re made of) (2)Physical properties (how they behave) Pure substance made of elements chemically bonded together B. What is a compound?
Densest layers are in the core because denser objects always sink due to gravity, while less dense objects float to the surface. Three layers based on composition: 1)2)3) Crust Mantle Core crustcrust mantlemantle corecore
Oceanic Crust Continental Crust Continental crust Oceanic crust silicon, oxygen and aluminum Why does oceanic crust sit lower than continental crust? (What do we know about basalt?) iron, calcium, and magnesium Basalt Granite DENSER LESS DENSE
A.Between the core and crust B.Most of the Earth’s mass is in the mantle C.Contains more magnesium, which is denser than aluminum in the crust The top layers of the mantle are hot enough to be plastic or semi- liquid, which allows it to… FLOW
There are places in the ocean where the mantle pushes through to form new rock along the ocean floor. Scientists research the ocean floor to find out about the mantle, because… They’re made of the same stuff! R I F T
A.Consists of an outer liquid core and a solid inner core B.Makes up 1/3 of the Earth’s mass C.Made mainly of iron and nickel (the denser elements) D.Almost no silicon, oxygen, and aluminum
Kola Superdeep Borehole (Russia) Dug to a depth of 40,230 ft (7.6 miles)
Goal Homework Warm-up Take out DR 4.1 Identify the 5 Earth layers and their properties. Think critically about lab analysis/conclusion answers. Pick article (class website), write a one-paragraph summary In your science journal Look at p. 100 in your textbook. Describe what the Earth’s tectonic plates are, including which layer of the Earth makes them up.
What would it be like to jump into this hole? tube.com/watc h?v=6TZVCxC iMHE
ainpop.com/sc ience/earthsyst em/earthsstruc ture/
Tecton “to build” (Greek) Pieces of the lithosphere that move around, floating on top of the denser asthenosphere Pieces of the lithosphere that move around, floating on top of the denser asthenosphere Each plate fits together with the plate it butts up against. Each plate fits together with the plate it butts up against. There are 10 or so major plates, but around 50 or more total, including all of the smaller ones. There are 10 or so major plates, but around 50 or more total, including all of the smaller ones.
The South American plate is a single plate containing both continental and oceanic crust. It is surrounded by several other oceanic plates.
1)Both oceanic and continental plates float on top of the asthenosphere, like ice cubes floating in water, because of their… 2)Just like ice cubes, the plates can move around and often bump into each other. 3)Some of the plate sits below the level of the asthenosphere, just like ice displacing water. Lower density The thicker continental crust displaces more of the asthenosphere than does oceanic crust.
Match the correct definition with the correct term from the list below. 12. The outermost, rigid layer of the earth 13. A layer of slowly flowing rock in the mantle 14. The liquid layer of the core 15. The solid layer of the core 16. The strong, lower part of the mantle 17. Use the letters to label the picture! A. asthenosphere B. lithosphere C. mesosphere D. outer core E. inner core B A D E C A B C D E
Five layers based on physical properties: 1)2)3)4)5) Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere Outer core Inner core Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere Rocky crust and rigid outermost mantle Plastic upper mantle directly beneath the lithosphere Dense, hard lower layers of the mantle This layer makes up the tectonic plates!
How do we know about these layers? By the motion of seismic waves
When earthquakes occur, seismic waves (vibrations) are sent out in all directions, through the earth. These vibrations reach different places at different times because of the ways the waves… BEND and CHANGE SPEED as they pass through the internal layers. shadow zone
Five Physical Layers of the Earth (science journal) Use these measurements: Part 1: Compasses
Goal Homework Warm-up To finish the Earth layers diagram To finish the Earth layers diagram To read a couple science news stories To read a couple science news stories DR 4.2 “Restless Continents” Write down tonight’s homework. Then, discuss with the people at your table: What does this diagram show? Use the word “refraction” in your discussion.
#4 #2 #1 #3
After you have drawn your Earth layer diagram Use p )On your diagram: Shade and label the name of each layer Shade and label the name of each layer 2)On the adjacent page: List the five layers from outside in. List the five layers from outside in. Give the actual thickness of each in km. Give the actual thickness of each in km. Define and describe the physical properties of each these physical layers. Define and describe the physical properties of each these physical layers. Part 2: Labeling
Part 3: Zoom In Look at p. 98 in your textbook. Look at p. 98 in your textbook. Copy the magnified portion of the diagram. Draw it to the right or above your bigger diagram. Make sure to show how the Mesosphere, Asthenosphere, and bottom portion of the Lithosphere are all part of the mantle. Copy the magnified portion of the diagram. Draw it to the right or above your bigger diagram. Make sure to show how the Mesosphere, Asthenosphere, and bottom portion of the Lithosphere are all part of the mantle.
Use your diagram and textbook to help you answer these questions in your journal. Please write in complete sentences. 1) Which layer of the Earth is completely molten? 2) Which layer is considered “plastic”? 3) Which layer makes up the tectonic plates? 4) Which layers are made of iron and nickel? 5) Which layer makes up most of the Earth’s mass? 6) Which layer slowly flows and sometimes break through to the Earth’s surface? 7) Which layers are part of the mantle? 8) In reference to your diagram, where is the crust found? Part 4: Questions