Gorilla gorilla Our group began the family tree by placing the gorilla skull at the bottom of the tree because we believed it is the most primitive. Gorilla gorilla has no Forehead and a large superaorbital ridge, and really large canines. It had a large facial slope of 70 degrees. Also had a large sagital crest. It was the most complete though.
Pan troglodytes We put the pantroglodyes 2 nd in the family tree because we thought it was next on the tree. It had no forehead and smaller canines than gorilla gorilla, 2 cm. it also had a semi large shape. It was said to be somewhat social.
Australopithecus afarensis We put Australopithecus afarensis 3 rd on the tree because we thought it was best fit. It had a small forehead size and is not able to identify the canine size. It had a fairly large cranium and a semi large facial slope of 60 degrees.
Australopithecus africanus We put Australopithecus africanus 4 th because it came after afarensis. It had a little forehead, canine size was not able to be measured, a large facial slope of 70 degees, and no sagittal crest.
Homo habilis we branched homo habilis off from austrelopithecus africanis because the time it was created was after austrelopithecus africanis. It had a fairly large skull and large molars. It had a large facial slope of 65 degrees, no forehead, it has a medium sized supreorbital ridge.
We branched off Australopithecus Boisei from australopithecus africanus. It has a fairly large forehead, large sagittal crest, and a medium facial slopes of 60 degrees, and a large cranium. Australopithecus Boisei
Homo rudolphensis Branching off from homo habilis we put homo rudolphensis. it has a large forehead and a medium facial slope of 50 degrees and a large head. Has no sagittal crest.
Homo erectus We also branched homo erectus from australopithecus africanus. It has a medium size forehead, large facial slope of 70 degrees, and a large supraorbital ridge, and a medium size cranium.
Homo heidelbergensis We branched it off from homo erectus, it had a facial slope of 70 degrees, and a small forehead, and a large supraorbital ridge.
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis We branched it off from homo heidelbergensis, it had a large forehead, large facial slope of 70 degrees, and a medium size canine size of 1 ½ cm. cranium size is pretty large and no sagittal crest.
Homo sapiens sapiens We branched it off from homo heidelbergensis, the last on the tree, its forehead size is large, 6 cm, then a no facial slope, large cranium, no supraorbital ridge.
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