Share Ownership – 2012 Results Summary
UK companies on London Stock Exchange (£1756.3bn) ‘ Excluded (Not on CREST) (13% of LSE) CREST (87% of LSE) Remainder Known paper share holdings Multiple Ownership (59% of LSE) Single Ownership (41% of LSE) sample Building Blocks simplified (31 December 2012) Central Government holdings
The Sample Companies on LSE are ranked according to market value (share price x number of shares) Sample of 200 companies selected (approx 1,800 listed)
83 largest companies in terms of capitalisation (those in excess of £2.8bn) 117 smaller companies (probability of selection proportional to their capitalisation)
Combined to make the sample of 200 companies which is provided to Euroclear to provide data on beneficial owners The 200 companies represented 83% of the value of UK companies on LSE
The Sectors CREST analyses run at 31 December 2012 Sectorisation: Individuals Charities, churches etc Insurance companies Pension funds Investment trusts Unit trusts Banks Other financial institutions Private Non-financial companies Central Government Local Government Public Corporations Rest of the World Multiple Ownership Excluded – shareholdings not on the electronic share register
Single Ownership
Single ownership total A. Sector split is summed for the large companies in CREST sample B. An average of the percentage sector split for each of the sampled CREST small companies is applied to the total value of shares of all small companies C. Total single ownership C = A + B
Multiple Ownership
Exclusions from CREST Approximately 13% of value of the LSE at end-2012 Holdings in material ie paper form Allocate the large shareholdings in paper form which can be allocated to a relevant sector eg Central Government Remaining exclusions allocated to individuals (88.4%) and RoW (11.6%)
Allocations within building block (100% each block) – 31 December 2012 SectorSingle OwnershipMultiple Ownership Excluded Rest of the World20.2%65.9% 9.4% Other Financial Institutions 22.6%0.5% Individuals14.4%7.9%71.6% Insurance Companies14.9%3.5% Unit Trusts2.4%15.0% Pension Funds4.6%5.8% Public Sector-0.1%19.0% Banks5.4%0.7% PNFCs8.2%0.1% Investment Trusts6.1%0.1% Charities, churches1.1%0.4% Total % Total value 100% £487.4bn 100% £1,042.4bn 100% £226.5bn
Bringing building blocks together C. CREST Single ownership sector splits for large and small companies D. Apply multiple ownership splits to total value of pooled nominees E. CREST excluded splits Central Government holdings Individuals (88.4%) and rest of the world (11.6%) Total sector breakdown = C + D + E
Allocations across building block (100% is UK company holdings on LSE) – 31 December 2012 SectorSingle Ownership Multiple Ownership ExcludedTotal Rest of the World5.6%39.8%1.2%53.2% Other Financial Institutions 6.3%0.3% 6.6% Individuals4.0%4.3%9.2%10.7% Insurance Companies4.1%2.0%6.2% Unit Trusts0.7%8.7%9.6% Pension Funds1.3%3.4%4.7% Public Sector-0.1%2.5% Banks1.5%0.4%1.9% PNFCs2.3%- Investment Trusts1.7%0.1%1.7% Charities, churches0.3%0.2%0.6% Total % Total value 27.8% £487.4bn 59.4% £1,042.4bn 12.9% £226.5bn 100% £1756.3bn