Monthly THP-Plus/THP+FC Conference Call Thursday, June 13 th : 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
AGENDA Welcome and introductions THP+FC Practice discussion: voluntary “rent” model and savings program Ami Rowland, Olive Crest Update on the number of providers Update on the number of participants Review recent AB 12 Question of the Week: infant supplement THP-Plus Quarterly report from Participant Tracking System (PTS) Other Items Support letters for SB 528: parenting youth in foster care Upcoming THP-Plus Annual Report Funding opportunity THP-Plus/THP+FC Discussion Group Poll on frequency of calls Next call: Thursday, July 11 th
Ami Rowland Olive Crest Graduated Savings Program “Rent Model” Voluntary program to practice budgeting and encourage saving Participants are encouraged to pay voluntary monthly “rent” out of their income Starts at $50/month, increasing by $50 every 3 months “Rent” is saved on behalf of youth Beyond rent paid, any additional participant contribution is matched by Olive Crest 1:1 Max match of $250 Participant must be meeting all goals & have no rule violations to participate in match program All participant’s savings is returned to them upon departure from program
“Rent” Structure Month in Program“Rent” Paid by Youth; Saved by Olive Crest 1 to 3$50 4 to 6$100 7 to 9$ to 12$ to 15$ to 18$ to 21$ to 24$ to 27$ to 30$ to 33$ to 36$400
Saving Inventive Program Months“Rent” Paid by Youth Additional Youth Contribution to Savings Olive Crest Match Total Savings Per Month 1 to 3$50 $150 4 to 6$100$0 $100 7 to 9$150$15 $ to 12$200$0 $ to 15$250$25 $ to 18$300$50 $ to 21$350$50 $ to 24$400$0 $ to 27$400$20 $ to 30$400$50 $ to 33$400$30 $ to 36 (end of 3 years) $400$0 $400
Common Questions Do youth really participate in this – how do you get them to buy into the program? How are you able to provide the match? Does it come out of the THP+FC rate? When does the rent max out? Do you adjust this program at all for youth with limitations affecting their ability to earn income? How much money do you provide youth each month for groceries, etc.? Can they use any of the monthly stipend you give them on “rent”? Are youth required to pay any portion of the monthly stipend you provide them back to the program for “rent”?
Update on the Number of THP+FC Providers as of 6/3 Amador Institute Aspiranet* Bill Wilson Center* Changed Lives, Inc./Krista Foster Care Children First, FFA* Environmental Alternatives* Family Care Network, Inc.* First Place for Youth* Olive Crest Redwood Children’s Services* Sunny Hills Services-Bay Area Youth Centers TLC Child and Family Services* Unity Care Group* Youth & Family Programs* Youth for Change* 15 approved providers (*11 are THP-Plus providers)
Counties where THP+FC programs are located Alameda Butte Colusa Contra Costa El Dorado Fresno Kings Lake Lassen Madera Mendocino Merced Monterey Orange Plumas Riverside San Bernardino San Francisco San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Shasta Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Tehama Tulare Ventura
THP+FC Youth in the CWS/CMS, as of 1/1/ total youth, age 18, 19 or 20 in Transitional Housing GENDER 83 young women 34 young men ETHNICITY 41 Black 27 White 42 Latino 7 Asian Pacific Islander LENGTH OF STAY IN FOSTER CARE <12 months: 11 12 to 23: 18 24 to 36: 22 36 to 47: 12 48 to 59: 11 60+: 43
Review of AB 12 Question of the Week Infant Supplement in THP+FC Q: I work for an organization that recently received its license for THP-Plus Foster Care (THP+FC). My questions: are custodial parents placed in THP+FC eligible for an infant supplement? If so, do they receive it directly or is it included in the rate payment to our organizations? Finally, if they are eligible for the infant supplement, does a youth receive one infant supplement regardless of how many children they have or one infant supplement for each child? A: Yes; a non-minor dependent placed in THP+FC is eligible to receive an infant supplement of $411 per month for the nondependent child residing with the non-minor, which is paid to the provider. Some or all of this payment may be passed through to the non-minor dependent to help pay for child- related expenses. If a non-minor dependent is the custodial parent to more than one child, an infant supplement is provided for each child. Source: All County Letter 11-69
THP-Plus Participant Tracking System Quarterly Report Covers period of January 1 – March 31, 2013 Data on 630 THP-Plus participants
Employment Status of THP- Plus Participants Report ending March 31, 2013; 630 participants
Income Status of THP-Plus Participants Average monthly income: $ Average hourly wage: $9.19 57% report receiving at least one form of public benefit 22% report receiving another form of financial support Report ending March 31, 2013; 630 participants
Educational Status of THP- Plus Participants Report ending March 31, 2013; 630 participants
Of those enrolled (46%) in school, what degree are they pursuing? Report ending March 31, 2013; 630 participants
Status of Parenting, Insurance, Permanent Connections and CJ Involvement 19% of participants are custodial parents 80% report having health insurance 97% report a permanent connection with an adult 6% of participants have been incarcerated or detained in adult criminal justice system since entering THP-Plus 5% of participants have had an adult misdemeanor or felony conviction since entering THP-Plus Report ending March 31, 2013; 630 participants
Changes from last quarter, ending 12/31/12 EMPLOYMENT Decrease in percentage reporting they are employed (51% vs. 56% working) Slight increase in the percentage who are not seeking employment (8% vs. 10%) No change in average hourly wage INCOME Increase in average monthly income ($ vs. $869.12) Increase in percentage reporting receipt of public benefits (57% vs. 52%) Decreased in percentage reporting receipt of “other financial support” (22% vs. 29%) EDUCATION Slight increase in percentage engaged in educational activity (46% vs. 44%) Decrease in the percent reporting that they have not graduated from high school (21% vs. 19%) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Slight increase in the percentage who report they are custodial parents (19% vs. 18%) Increase in the percentage who report they have health insurance (80% vs. 76%) Report ending March 31, 2013; 630 participants
Other Items SB 528: parenting youth in foster care Need support letters for SB 528 in the Assembly Factsheet, FAQ, & sample support letter available at For more info contact or
Other Items THP-Plus/THP+FC Annual Report We will be gathering data on FY this month You or someone at your org. will receive with link to survey to provide data Report will be released in September
Other Items Funding Opportunity: ACF-ACYF-CA-0636 Poll: how frequently would people like to continue these calls? THP-Plus/THP+FC Discussion Group Currently 14 members To join go to: Next call is Thursday, July 11 th