Activating our ‘A’ Game PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 2013 Leader briefing
2 Our process Mindset Performance Planning Performance Conversations Rating & Rewarding Performance Agenda
3 It’s a 2 way promise Expectations of leaders: Inspire people to strive for high performance Drive goal setting clearly aligned to business strategy Coach people to ensure believability and desirability of business goals at all levels Prioritise what’s relevant to the business and your people Provide clarity, support and regular feedback about performance (business & individual) Have a mindset focused on continually improving own levels of performance Prioritise what’s important to achieve business results Take individual accountability and ownership of performance Be active in seeking feedback about performance Expectations of people:
4 Cycle & Process – it’s all about conversations Our performance process is a continuous cycle throughout the year including frequent informal coaching and feedback Performance planning, conversations and ratings (including calibration) occur once a year in August with a mid-year review in February. Performance rewards are determined at the annual review, effective 1 November. Recognise your people frequently throughout the year. Celebrating performance moments will ensure your people know the types of behaviours and performance we’re striving to deliver.
5 Timetable
6 At GWF, mindset is a fundamental element of performance because it directly impacts (either positively or negatively) what you achieve and how you achieve it. Performance is about both WHAT you achieve (results) and HOW you achieve it (behaviours). We consider both Results and Behaviours when reviewing performance (R x B). Results x Behaviour
7 Our process Mindset Performance Planning Performance Conversations Rating & Rewarding Performance Agenda
8 What is mindset? Noun: a particular mental framework of attitudes, expectations, etc. Macquarie Dictionary. ‘In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have had these qualities. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity.’ Carol Dweck
9 Let’s test it out – activating your A-Game
10 Activating ‘A’ game in your team What do you do as a leader to: 1.have the right mindset? 2.create the right mindset in your team?
11 Our process Mindset Performance Planning Performance Conversations Rating & Rewarding Performance Agenda
12 Roles & responsibilities
13 Develop 4 to 6 improvement-focused objectives Align your objectives with business strategy and leaders objectives Make them SMART Use clear, positive and action oriented language Make objectives ‘self maintained’ – within your circle of control Be clear on what success looks like Setting objectives; remember…
14 Our process Mindset Performance Planning Performance Conversations Rating & Rewarding Performance Agenda
15 Reviewing Performance
16 How do I build quality conversations? Which quadrant is your comfort zone?
17 With the goal being to accelerate performance, what do you want your performance discussion to cause your people to: Think Feel Say Do What’s the experience you want your people to have? THINKSAY DOFEEL To bring this to life: 1.Which area(s) do you need to focus on? 2.What do you need to do differently in these performance reviews to enhance the experience and set up for success in 2013?
18 Preparing for good quality conversations
19 Example Approach Goals BehaviourDevelopment Review all 10 behaviours Agree ratings Discuss strength and development areas Make notes Review PDP Discuss achievements Agree next steps Review all objectives Agree ratings Discuss achievements Make notes 25 mins 10 mins NB. Make notes on all agreements
20 Compare these two phrases: ‘You did a great job on your project, but feedback from your stakeholders suggests that……..’ ‘You did a great job on your project, and feedback from your stakeholders suggests that………’ The word BUT disconnects and negates whatever follows The word AND connects, builds and creates flow The ‘Yes and’ feedback principle (NO BUTs ALLOWED!)
21 What did you enjoy working on the most and why? What did you find the most challenging and why? What were the critical success factors? What didn’t go the way you planned or anticipated? Did you have the skills needed to achieve the goal? What have you learnt? / What would you do differently next time? Where do you think you should set the bar for the next six months? Coaching Questions
22 Our process Mindset Performance Planning Performance Conversations Rating & Rewarding Performance Agenda
23 Rating Performance
24 Great results, lift behaviours GreatExtraordinary Great Great behaviours, lift results Good Below Good results, lift behaviours Below needs development Ratings: Extraordinary - your challenge is to maintain this great momentum Great - a springboard to achieve even more Good - from good to great by focusing on the specific goals or behaviours that have been identified as opportunities Below - need to step up, focus and really lift performance Unacceptable - behaviour is a serious derailer or a GWF policy has been breached (when this rating is invoked, it overrides any performance or behaviour rating and no bonus will be paid) Rating Performance 3x3 performance rating grid
25 Rewarding Performance