Waller Creek Outlet CFD Modeling Results Connection #2 with 3’ High Spillway Flip Bucket 2-Year Flood (2320 cfs) Lady Bird Lake Inflow (1.25 ft/s) 9/9/20081ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
General View of the CFD Model 9/9/20082ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC. General View
Plan View of the CFD Model 9/9/20083ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Contours at Water Surface 9/9/20084ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Flow Patterns From the Tunnel Shaft to the Spillway 9/9/20085ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Horizontal Plane at Z=406 ft 9/9/20086ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Horizontal Plane at Z=415 ft 9/9/20087ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Horizontal Plane at Z=422 ft 9/9/20088ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Horizontal Plane at Z=430 ft 9/9/20089ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Longitudinal Plane at X=200 ft 9/9/200810ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Longitudinal Plane at X=150 ft 9/9/200811ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Longitudinal Plane at X=250 ft 9/9/200812ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Lateral Plane at Y=400 ft 9/9/200813ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Lateral Plane at Y=350 ft 9/9/200814ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Lateral Plane at Y=450 ft 9/9/200815ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Lateral Plane at Spillway Crest 9/9/200816ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Flow Impacts Caused by Stacked Rock at the Ends of the Spillway Crest 9/9/200817ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Left Side Stacked Rock 9/9/200818ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Right Side Stacked Rock 9/9/200819ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Profiles Along the Ogee Spillway Section 9/9/200820ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Profile along the Spillway Ogee Section at X=200 ft 9/9/200821ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Profile along the Spillway Ogee Section at X=150 ft 9/9/200822ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Profile along the Spillway Ogee Section at X=250 ft 9/9/200823ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Hydraulic Jump at the Toe of the Spillway Velocity and Froude Number 9/9/200824ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Scour Potential In the Exit Channel, both Concrete Apron and Riprap Section 9/9/200827ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in the Exit Channel in Horizontal Plane at Z=415 ft 9/9/200828ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in the Exit Channel in Horizontal Plane at Z=422 ft 9/9/200829ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Horizontal Plane at Z=415 ft 9/9/200830ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Horizontal Plane at Z=422 ft 9/9/200831ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in the Exit Channel in Longitudinal Plane at X=200 ft 9/9/200832ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in the Exit Channel in Longitudinal Plane at X=150 ft 9/9/200833ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in the Exit Channel in Longitudinal Plane at X=250 ft 9/9/200834ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in the Exit Channel in Longitudinal Plane 1 foot apart Left Retaining Wall 9/9/200835ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in the Exit Channel in Longitudinal Plane 1 foot apart Right Retaining Wall 9/9/200836ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Velocity Magnitude Contours and Velocity Vectors in Vertical Planes 9/9/200837ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Water Surface Elevations At Spillway Crest and Upstream 9/9/200838ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Water Surface Elevations at Spillway Crest and Upstream 9/9/200839ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Pressure Forces On the Pipe Riser and Water Intake Screen 9/9/200840ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.
Pressure Force on Pipe Riser and Water Intake Time (second)X-Force (lbf)Y-Force (lbf)Z-Force (lbf)Total (lbf) Average /9/2008ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC.41