ALPHA PHI FAST FACTS Colors: Silver and Bordeaux Fraternity Flowers: Lily of the Valley and the Forget-me-not Fraternity Symbol: Ivy Leaf Fraternity Constellation: Ursa Major Alpha Phi Bear Alpha Phi Crest
SCHOLARSHIP GPA: 55 Dean’s List Scholars 4 Mortar Board Members 6 Husker Athletes
PHILANTHROPY Alpha Phi Open- A golf tournament featuring the Alpha Phis as personal caddies. Phiva Las Vegas- A casino night featuring the Alpha Phis as dealers for the poker games. Both of these philanthropy events raise money for Cardiac Care of Lincoln. We raised nearly $15,000 in 2011!
INVOLVEMENT Lincoln Heart Walk Greek Week Winners Kids Against Hunger The Red Dress Dash Dance Marathon Big Event Intramural Sports
Lincoln Heart Walk Intramural Softball Kids Against Hunger Greek Week INVOLVEMENT