Transportation Tuesday TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY The probability of being killed doubles, every 15 kph driven in excess of 80 kph, should a motor vehicle accident occur. Speed increases the chance of being overtaken by death
Transportation Tuesday Never drive at a speed which prevents you from stopping within a safe distance. If you cannot do so safely, you are travelling too fast and dangerously close. Respect the speed limits, and check your speedometer frequently. BASIC RULES
Transportation Tuesday RIGHT OF WAY At road junctions of equal traffic priority the car approaching on your right has the right of way (in the Middle East). He will probably insist on it - so be prepared to stop. The man on your left does not have the right of way, but he may take it, so again, be prepared to stop. Having the right of way will not save your life.
Transportation Tuesday OVERTAKING Overtaking requires good Judgement and Patience. Check your mirrors for traffic behind you and make sure the road marking is not a solid line. Give a clear signal and check blind spots and other hazards ahead before pulling out. If going uphill, select a suitable gear. Overtake as quickly as possible, taking care not to cut in too closely on the overtaken vehicle. The responsibility for overtaking safely, is yours.
Transportation Tuesday Slow down when …… Approaching a crossroad or a junction. Coming across or around a curve. At the top or crest of a hill. Driving on a narrow or winding road. Approaching : Pedestrians, cyclists, slow moving vehicles, School Zones & Playgrounds, Bad roads, Animals, Scene of an accident, or when entering a town or village. On poorly lit roads, in dust, fog, rain or when visibility is poor.
Transportation Tuesday