Japan Research Project Day One
Where in the world is Japan? Find Japan on the world map.world map (hit the “back” button to return to this page) Print a map, then label Japan and color it red.map Is Japan an island?island Here is another map of Japan. rys/asia/lgcolor/jpcolor.htm
Symbols of Japan What are their national symbols? Do the symbols have special meanings?special meanings Use this link to go to the BCR page. After you have written your response, print your paper and turn it in.BCR page
The Japanese flag is called Hinomaru (circle of the sun). The red circle on the white background symbolizes the sun. Japan's Imperial Crest is a sixteen petaled chrysanthemum.Imperial The Japanese anthem is called Kimigayo: May the reign of the Emperor continue for a thousand, nay, eigth thousand generations and for the eternity that it takes for small pebbles to grow into a great rock and become covered with moss. In Japanese, the country is called Nihon or Nippon. The two Chinese characters may be translate as "origin of the sun" or “land of the rising sun". The name Japan is believed to have come from European pronunciation attempts of Chinese words for "Japan". National Flower: Japan has no official national flower. Most people, however, consider the cherry blossom the unofficial national flower of Japan. Furthermore, the chrysanthemum is the symbol for Japan's emperor.cherry blossom Click the flag to return to the previous page
This is the end of Day One. Day Two begins on the next slide.