Oregon Dentist Partnership Rick Volpel Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (503)
Partners in Outreach Oregon Dental Association – ODA Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies -- ACWA Oregon Department of Environmental Quality -- DEQ
Best Management Practices Developed in 1998 Original focus on silver fixer waste BMPs last updated in 2004 Now covers Ag, Hg & Pb wastes Amalgam separators not in BMPs
Role of Partners BMP development Training Outreach Certification Surveys
Additional Activities Participate in Oregon Dental Conference Collection of mercury waste at dental conference Oregon tax credit for pollution control equipment
Mercury Waste Collection Held at 2004 and 2005 Oregon dental conferences 600 pounds mercury-containing dental waste during the conferences DEQ and ACWA provided funding for waste collection
Waste Collected
Pollution Control Tax Credit Developed amalgam separator tax credit form Provides up to 35% of installation cost as a tax credit Approved 7 applications to date Tax credit total $8,352
Survey Results Clean Water Services –75% of dentists certified as meeting BMPs Portland –>85% of dentists certified as meeting BMPs DEQ –Random visits show compliance to BMPs
What’s Next Increase number of cities/counties surveyed Address TMDL concerns Continue with surveys/certification Gather separator information