International Doctorss Programs in California LLU – IDP (International Dentist Program) UCSF – IDP (International Dentist Program) dentistry.ucsf.edu USC –ASPID (Advanced Standing Program for International Dentist) UCLA – PPID (Professional Program for International Dentist) Uclasod.dent.ucla.edu Pacific - IDS (International Dental Studies)
To begin - National Board Part I score TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score Letters of recommendation Personal Statement Curriculum Vitae ECE (Educational Credential Evaluators) report Dr Montoya 2005
NDBE Part I Credentials verified by ECE (general report) One day exam Application submitted w/money order or cashier check, no personal checks accepted. Computerized ($215) Twice/year, results 3-4wks after Paper-based ($ 130) July/December, results 6-8wks after Contents: (100 MCQ each) Anatomic Sciences Biochemistry-Physiology Microbiology-Pathology Dental Anatomy and Occlusion Dr Montoya 2005
ECE evaluation General ($85) for applying NBDE Each educational credential and its U.S. equivalent Course-by-Course ($135) for applying to dental schools Each educational credential and its U.S. equivalent Grade average Each postsecondary course U.S. equivalent credit and grade for each postsecondary course Identification of upper level courses According from your country of origin there are specific requirements.
Preparation materials for NBDE I Dental decks or ASDA booklets print outs (new release of 2004 booklet in 2005) Kaplan review (courses +review book) NDBE I review books. Dr Montoya 2005
TOEFL url English proficiency test for nonnative speakers for college and university settings. TOEFL scores last for 2 years. $140 (includes 1 examinee score record and 4 score recipients) Computer Based Test (CBT) get a score range after taking the test according to all the areas except essay writing. Areas tested: listening, reading, structure, writing. Paper Based Test (PBT) Areas tested: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, structure and written expression. Internet Based Test (iBT) starting sep Tests all four language skills that are important for effective communication: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Worldwide introduction in CBT and PBT will be given until iBT is implemented.
Letters of recommendation … Requirements vary depending on each school. Some schools ask for letters from: dean or head official of the applicant’s school, dental school clinical instructor, person of the applicant’s choosing. Dr Montoya 2005
Personal Statement… Clear, demonstrated interest/motivation. Leadership Good communication skills This statement allows you to tell the admissions committee anything that you want them to know about you that is not included in other parts of the application. Dr Montoya 2005
Curriculum Vitae… Demonstrated academic readiness Community service/volunteer work Include: education, professional employment/organizations, research/publications, honors/awards Etc… Dr Montoya 2005
Financial Aid… Having the complete tuition amount is not always possible. Ways to get financial aid: FAFSA federal aid (US citizens and elegible non-citizens) Private loans Ask financial aid officer of each dental school. Dr Montoya 2005
2006 CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS PROGRAM INFORMATION SCHOOL1 ST YRAPPL FEETEST MONO INTACC MOSTARTLENGTHSIZE LLU1985$60Oct35Oct 10-Mar 10-Sept21 mo.20 (total) UCSF2001$150Nov60DecJuly24 mo.24 USC1968$145Nov150NovApril25 mo.32 UCLA2002$150Oct36DecSummer24 mo.12 PACIFIC1987$75Nov88DecJuly24 mo16
SCHOOL NBLOWTOEFLMINWRITETECHTECH $INTER Part I: 12 Paper: 550 no yes-non dental$0yes LLU & II: 79 Computer: 213 iBT: -- Part I: 83 Paper: 575 yes 3 preps$200yes UCSF onlyComputer: 230 iBT: 88 Part I: 75 Paper: 600 no 4 preps$40-$75yes USC II: -- Computer: 250 (factor) iBT: 100 Part I: -- Paper: 560 yes 3 preps $300yes UCLA & II:Computer: -- (Rx’d)iBT: 87 Part I: 80 Paper: 580 no 2 preps$100yes PACIFIC onlyComputer: 237 iBT: CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS ADMISSION INFORMATION
Thank you for listening Eugene Sekiguchi DDS USC School of Dentistry Director of ASPID Associate Dean for Int’l, Prof’l & Legisl Affairs