Assignment 6-1 Schedule(staffNo, dentistName, patNo, patName, surgeryNo, Date, Time) Make assumptions: surgeryNo is the surgery room number. staffNo, patNo, and surgeryNo are unique. A patient is allowed to have more than one surgery a day. Only one surgery can take place in a room at any given time. A dentist can perform only one surgery at any given time. A dentist is allocated in one surgery room each day. But a surgery room can be used by multiple dentists on the same day. Date and Time as two separate attributes. Do NOT use Appointment! 1
Assignment 6-1 surgeryNo, Date ===> staffNo What does it mean? A surgery room is reserved for one dentist a day staffNo, Date ===> surgeryNo What does it mean? A dentist is allocated to a specific surgery room for each day. Yes! staffNosurgeryNoDateTime… S1011S1512-Sep-0410:00 S1011S1512-Sep-0412:00 S1024S1512-Sep-0414:00 S1011S1413-Sep-0410:00 2
Assignment 6-1 patNo, Date ===> ALL What does it mean? A patient can have at most one surgery a day. Usually is true. Not a rule we want to make
Assignment 6-1 patNo, staffNo ===> ALL What does it mean? A patient can see one dentist once, and hence must see a different dentist each time visiting the clinic
Assignment 6-1 Candidate keys: staffNo, Date, Time surgeryNo, Date, Time patNo, Date, Time Must have FDs: staffNo, Date, Time ===> All surgeryNo, Date, Time ===> All patNo, Date, Time ===> All 5
Assignment staffNo dentistName patNo patName staffNo, Date, Time All patNo, Date, Time All surgeryNo, Date, Time All staffNo, Date surgeryNo 2. staffNo, Date, Time (any one of the three ALL FDs) 3. patNo, Date, Time surgeryNo, Date, Time 6
Quiz2 Change UserName to your UWP UserName first! 7