“Equine “dentists” and veterinarians Hannover November 2008 Christian Rondeau Catherine Roy
Hannover « Equine dentists » ? Protected title in some countries Directive 2005/36 « dental practitionner » Should be « dental technician » Non-invasive work No sedation
Hannover STATE OF PLAY Existing in many countries Not at all regulated European association with quality chart, professionnal code, website…. Not allowed to pull teeth or to administer sedative In fact : extract teeth and break living tissue and administer sedative drugs IV actions for illegal exercise - quite frequent in these last years - = very light sanctions
Hannover FRANCE 2004 – 2006 = complaints from French Order, Syndicate and Equine Veterinary Association for Illegal practice of veterinary act Illegal use of veterinary medecine
Hannover Complaints from “dentists” to European court of justice 30 mai 2008 : European Association of Equine Dentists (AEDE) for no respect of articles 81, 43 et 49 EC Treaty 2 juillet 2008: European Association of Equine Dental Practitionners and European School of Equine Dentistery (EEDE), established in Belgium, for no respect of community laws
Hannover Complaints from “dentists” to French and Belgium competition court 30 may 2008: French Order and Syndicate illegal agreement and harassing against equine dentists 2 july 2008 : Belgium Order and Association same
Hannover « Dental technician Network » building across European MS Dangerous for animal health and welfare, public health Files by Mrs Maletras Wish to build a European defense file and not national files to cross our arguments Need your help !
Hannover Thank you ;-) ! Are you ready to participate ?