Our FPC Eden Medical Mission May 29 – June 8, 2013 (K Eden students)
TRIAGE CENTER: We treated 3500 patients – Everyone coming to Eden was questioned carefully – “Why are you here?” then sent to caregivers - we had translators fluent in Spanish! Everyone had BP/Wt/Ht taken and were then asked about their medical concern(s). Patients were then rapidly sent to their proper caregivers. Jenna MoehringRebecca Jeffries Lee Jeffries
Accurate triage got people to their MD specialist, dentist or vision caregiver fast! Bonnie Millis
Our Medical Team Treated 1393 Patients Glenda Jeffries Tom Jeffries Allison Chappell All medical staff had private rooms!
Every doctor had a translator - We had 5 medical care givers from the USA who partnered with 4 Bolivian MDs (below) who routinely work at the Eden school.
Our Dental Team Treated 654 Patients All dentists had new dental chairs fillings, 121 extractions, 116 sealants, 49 cleanings. Note the collage of patients and FPC members “The Family of God.” Fred Crisp
Sue Sager kept records while Simone, our head translator (from Brazil), gave a high-five to a child. Four other dentists who work at Eden helped also (below). Simone – lead Eden translator -Pediatric dentist Sue Sager Bill Gurney
And then all 650 Eden students got fluoride! For Strong Teeth
And they enjoyed it!! Julio Cesar, principle of Eden, is above with kids getti ng fluoride.
Our Pharmacy Filled 5,000 Prescriptions! Larry Warren Laura Miller
Our Vision Clinic - our new “high tech” autorefractor determined the correct prescription Carolyn Elliot Mike Woody
Many people wanted/needed glasses! Outside and inside the vision clinic people waited. Inside, they were checked with an eye chart and auto- refractor – then they waited to be fitted…at 4 fitting tables! The auto- refractor sped up the process very nicely and was a GREAT HELP!
Finding the perfect glasses! Dyvonne is a marine! She was a great fitter – her Spanish combined with that of her interpreter made for perfect communication! Charles was our lead fitter. We had 4 fitters total and all were excellent. We fitted 1081 people with prescription glasses in 6 days. Dyvonne Ellis Charles Peacock
We gave out over 3000 pair of glasses counting reading and sun glasses We had over 7000 pair of glasses to choose from – picking out the right glasses was critical. The Eden mission church was dedicated totally to our vision clinic. Glasses were along every wall.
FPC donated Eden’s computer lab in 2008 ( It was busy almost constantly with K-12 students)
Eden has grown! The colosium, computer lab and clinic are new. Want to join us next trip? May 28 to June 7, 2014 Call or write Bill Miller ( ) or
- Or Contact other FPC members who have gone to Eden: Garrett Briggs, Gerry Rogers, Margaret Peacock, Charles Peacock, Fred Crisp III (Dentist), Betty Ann Dorman (RN), Cindy Elderkin (Dentist), Mike Yarborough (MD), Ralph Dearborn (Rodney the clown), Jerry Dearborn, Wayne Campbell, Peggy Campbell, Tom Hogg, Scotty Hogg, Laura Miller, Bill Miller, Carol Anne Moehring, Jenna Anne Moehring, Jane Winborne and Mike Woody