Professions. a businessman [‘b ɪ zn ɪ smæn] a computer programmer [k ə m'pju ː t ə 'pr ə ugræm ə ] a dentist ['dent ɪ st] a doctor ['d ɔ kt ə ] a driver.


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Presentation transcript:


a businessman [‘b ɪ zn ɪ smæn] a computer programmer [k ə m'pju ː t ə 'pr ə ugræm ə ] a dentist ['dent ɪ st] a doctor ['d ɔ kt ə ] a driver ['dra ɪ v ə ] an engineer [en ʤɪ 'n ɪ ə ] a farmer ['f ɑː m ə ] a housewife ['hauswa ɪ f] a lawyer ['l ɔː j ə ] a librarian [la ɪ 'br ɛ ə r ɪ ə n] a nurse [n ɜː s] a pilot ['pa ɪ l ə t] a sportsman ['sp ɔː tsm ə n] a teacher ['ti ːʧ ə ]

a computer programmer a dentist What is he (she)? He is …. She is….

a driver an engineer What is he? He is ….

a farmer What is he? an office worker

a lawyer a librarian What is he (she)? He is …. She is ….

a pilot a sportsman What is he?

a nurse What is she? a housewife

a teacher a businessman

Make up the sentences: 1.are, pilots, Den and Charles., a teacher, I. cousin, a driver, is. 4.librarians, his sisters, are. 5.a sportsman, is, my brother. 6.a housewife, his aunt, is.

1. a driver a. 2. farmer d. b. c. 3. a computer programmer f. e. 4. a housewife 5. a businessman 6. a sportsman

7. a librarian 9. an engineer 8. a dentist 12. a lawyer 11. a nurse 10. a teacher g. h. i. j. k. l.

Complete the sentences: 1.A person who sells and buys things is a …. 2. A person who teaches people is a …. 3. A person who makes computer programmes is a ….

4. A person who helps people to choose a book is a …. 5. A person who takes part in the competitions is a …. 6. A person who drives cars is a ….

Да, узнали мы впервые инженер - …. Русский врач, английский доктор называем просто …. Садись в машину, все исправно. Нас повезет водитель ….

Я ходил в больницу к маме и ещё цветы отнёс. Медсестре хорошей очень. Медсестра – иначе …. Работает в поле упорно, упрямо. Колхозник и фермер – иначе ….

A … should be …. What characteristics are necessary for the following jobs?

pilottd tlawyer sahmbai iponqcv tsaughe nfarmer eursnrs ddwesav Find the words: