Community Service Checker Pick a Category: Religious Activities Religious Activities For-Profit Organizations School Activities
Religious Activities Click one: A Camp/Center An Event or Project in the Community A Church Based Event or Activity
Religious Activities A Church Based Event or Activity: Vacation Bible School or similar activity Working in the nursery Teaching Sunday School Helping with the religious service
Religious Activities An Event or Project in the Community: The student is building homes, cleaning a road, etc… The student is helping a specific person (yard clean up) The student is helping after a natural disaster The student is teaching about their religion/seeking converts
Religious Activities A Camp/Center: The student is teaching religious content The student is helping with activities (crafts, sports, cleaning, etc…) The student is acting as a chaperone The student is doing multiple activities, religious and non-religious
For-Profit Organizations Click One: The organization is athletic in nature (dance, karate, sports camp, swimming) The organization is a non-athletic business (dentist office, veterinarian, etc…) The organization is an educational facility (day care center) The organization is holding a charitable event
For-Profit Organizations The organization is holding a charitable event: The student is helping with the charitable activity The student is doing “behind the scenes” work (phone calls, paper work, etc…)
For-Profit Organizations The organization is an educational facility (day care center): The student helps teach students The student is providing other services (cleaning, paper work, answering phones)
For-Profit Organizations The organization is a non-athletic business (dentist office, veterinarian, etc…): The student is providing a work service (cleaning, paper work, answering phones) The student is providing training
For-Profit Organizations The organization is athletic in nature (dance, karate, sports camp, swimming): The student is coaching in any way The student is providing other services (cleaning, paper work, answering phones)
School Activities Click One: The student is part of a school based service club The student’s activity only helps a portion of the school (e.g., Prom activities)
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