During the day you usually have? a) two meals13% b ) three meals31% c ) four meals29% d ) five servings23% e ) more than five portions2%
Do you eat before school in the morning? a) regulary 56% b )sometimes31% c ) never13%
If you eat in the morning you usually eat : a) fruit and vegetables 11% b ) sweets 1% c ) dairy products 48% d ) bakery or sandwiches cereal 54% e ) cereal 37% f ) something else 6%
How many times a day do you eat fruit and vegetables ? a ) once or twice 74% b ) repeatedly 26% c ) I do not eat 0%
What kind of bread do you eat ? a ) white53% b ) integral30% c ) corn43% d ) other types of bread 0%
How often do you eat fish ? a ) once a week 40% b ) 2-3 times a month23% c ) often 15% d ) very rarely23% e ) I do not eat fish0%
6. During the week you usually eat ? a) selfcooked food 87% b ) something else13%
Do you and your family prepare daily cooked meals ? a) Yes 84% b ) No16%
What do you drink mostly? a) water83% b ) tea 20% c ) milk 38% d ) orange juice16% e) natural juices18% f ) energy drinks1% g) fizzy drinks5% h ) something else 2%
How many glasses of water do you drink a day ? a ) one or two25% b ) more74% c ) I do not drink water 2%
How many hours do you sleep every day? a ) less than 6 hours1% b ) 6 to 8 hours37% c ) more than 8 hours63%
Do you visit your dentist? a) regularly 72% b) only when your tooth hurts26% c) I do not go to the dentist2%
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? a) once 16% b) in the morning and evening 77% c) after every meal 6% d) sometimes 0% e) I do not brush my teeth 0%
Do you wash your hands before every meal? a) Yes 87% b) No13%
Do you wash your hands after using the toilet? a) each time 83% b) I sometimes forget 17% c) I do not wash my hands 0%
24. Do you take a shower every day? a) Yes 69% b) No31%
How many times a week do you do workouts outside of school ? a ) once or twice 46% b ) more 41% c ) never 13%
Are you a member of any sports club ? a) YES 66% b) NO 34%
How many times a day do you spend in front of a computer screen or cell phone? a) less than 3 hours 91% b ) 3 to 5 hours9% c ) more than 5 hours0%
How often do you go along on trips ? a) often30% b ) sometimes 51% c ) rarely20%
How do you usually spend your free time with your family? a) playing68% b ) watching TV 44% c ) in front of a computer 31% d ) in the nature 44% e ) in shopping 16% f ) playing sports 28% g ) preparing food 26% h ) we rarely spend free time together 3%
How do you take care of other people? a) borrowing your stuff 41% b ) helping others 70% c ) you donate some things 42% d) something else 3%
17 Do you recycle PVC packaging together with your family a) Yes 66% b ) sometimes 25% c ) No 9%
Do you and your family members take part in charity activities? a) YES 66% b) NO34%