New Employee Orientation: Benefits Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Tony Yardley, Sr. HR Generalist Angela Cagle, Manager of Benefits
Agenda G ENDA FOR TODAY? Health Insurance OverviewOptional Insurance OverviewVoluntary Benefits OverviewRetirement OverviewWorkers’ Compensation Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Direct Transfer from other Texas State Agency? Does a spouse or parent cover you for health, dental or dependent life through Texas GBP? Are you a 9 month employee or part – time employee? Health Coverage – Prior Service Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Health Insurance Overview Premiums Employee Only Health Insurance – No Cost 50% State Contribution for Dependents Part-time rates (50/50 EE, 75/25 Dep) Enrollment Deadline Automatic Enrollment for full-time employees Dependent enrollment and part-time enrollment employees – 60 days following the first day of employment Effective Date First of the month following the 60 the day of employment Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Health Insurance Overview Hospital co-payments – $100 Outpatient co-pay then 80/20 – $150 Inpatient co-pay per day up to 5 day maximum and 80/20 – $150 ER co-pay then 80/20 – $50 Urgent Care then 80/20 – Non-Network benefits Available. No deductible $2,000/Calendar year Coinsurance Maximum Primary Care Physician Required Specialist Referrals required (except for one routine OB-GYN & Ophthalmologist/Optometrist) Low office visit co-pay $25 Primary Care Physician $40 Specialist Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Health Insurance Overview Tobacco Tobacco User Certification required for you and your dependents. Certify when you enroll for Optional Benefits $5,000 Life Insurance policy connected with EE medical plan Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Prescriptions are $15, $35, $60 $50 Plan Year (9/1 to 8/31) deductible (per family member) Generics mandatory when available Maintenance medications (long-term) - Use mail order or pay cost difference and continue to use network pharmacy PRESCRIPTION DRUG PROGRAM Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Optional Benefits Premiums: Fully paid by the employee Enrollment Deadline: 30 days from your hire date Effective Date: 1 st of the month following enrollment
Dental Insurance ERS has offers two dental plans. Each has different costs, benefits, service areas and participating dentists. Humana Dental This plan works like an HMO. You and your eligible dependents must get your dental care within the Humana Dental HMO service area (inside the state of Texas). $9.12 EE Only State of Texas Dental Choice Plan Administered by the Humana, this plan allows you to visit any dentist, and you and eligible dependents can enroll regardless of where you live. $23.58 EE only Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Optional Term Life Election I = 1 x annual salary Election II = 2 x annual salary Election III = 3 x annual salary* - Requires EOI approval Election IV = 4 x annual salary* - Requires EOI approval Optional Term Life Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Life insurance coverage for each covered family member $5,000 policy $1.38 per month (all dependents) * Administered by Fort Dearborn Life Insurance Company (FDL). Dependent Term Life Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Accidental death In the event of your death as the direct result of an accident, your beneficiary will receive the amount of insurance you select. Dismemberment If you have an accident and experience bodily losses as a direct result of the accident, you will receive AD&D benefits. Cost The cost of Voluntary AD&D coverage depends on the amount of coverage you purchase. Coverage is purchased in increments of $5,000: the minimum coverage available is $10,000, and the maximum coverage available is $200,000 and is available for you and your dependents..02 cents per $1000 for EE only..04 cents per $1000 for EE & Family. Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Disability Insurance Short Term – Premium is.30 per $100 of monthly salary – Must be fully disabled – Must be off work 30 days before coverage begins – Insurance pays 66% of salary for a maximum of 5 months – Maximum benefit: $6,600 per month Long Term – Premium is.63 per $100 of monthly salary – Must be fully disabled – Must be off work 180 days before coverage begins – Insurance pays 60% of salary until age 65 – Maximum benefit: $6,000 per month Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Reimbursement - mail, fax, or use of a debit card.Fees - $12 annual administrative fee, $15 annual debit card fee. Use it or Lose it - money contributed must be used during that plan year, (September 1 st -August 31 st ) or it is forfeited (grace period until November 15 th ). Effective 09/01/14: Eligible to rollover $ to the following plan year for TexFlex healthcare only. No claims may be incurred during grace period. Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ TexFlex Reimbursement Accounts Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ TexFlex Health Care Account: $2500 TexFlex Day Care Account: $5,000 TexFlex Health Care Account: $2500 TexFlex Day Care Account: $5,000
Opt-Out Employees who choose to not elect the State’s health insurance due to other coverage. Credit provided for employees to use toward dental and Voluntary AD&D premiums. Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Health Insurance Opt-Out Program Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
ERS Online To Enroll in optional coverage please visit the ERS website: Go to Click on “Enroll” Register and login Click on “Post-Hire Change” NOTE: New hire information must be entered by the benefits team into ERS prior to your enrollment. NOTE: You must certify Tobacco Use or be charged a premium Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Enrollment Deadlines 60 days from your hire date to add a dependent(s) to your health insurance. 30 days from your hire date to enroll in optional coverage. Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Enrollment Deadlines Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Voluntary Benefits Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ TWU Voluntary Benefit Program: Supplemental Medical Pre-tax through payroll deduction 30 day enrollment period for New Hires Subject to annual enrollment Offered by Humana: 3 Policies Critical Illness/Cancer Accident Hospital Indemnity *Based on the level you choose pays cash to you for life’s unplanned circumstances How to enroll:
Enrollment Deadlines Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Voluntary Benefits Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ TWU Voluntary Benefit Program: Other Products Post-tax through payroll deduction Enrollment allowed throughout year Legal Shield: Identity Theft Legal ASPCA Pet Insurance MASA Air Ambulance Liberty Mutual: Auto Home
Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Voluntary Benefits Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Oracle ID required to enroll: This is NOT your badge ID. You will have access to this ID following your Portal Access. Contact Benefits Team for enrollment assistance How to enroll:
Other Voluntary Benefits Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Other Voluntary Benefits Fitness & Recreation Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ State-of-the art fitness center Outdoor pool Tennis courts Golf course $75/semester Sponsor one person per semester at $95/semester * Payroll deduction available once per year Wellness Benefit 1.5 hours per week
TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (TRS ) Defined Benefits Plan Vesting period of five years Normal Age Retirement: Rule of 80 or Age years service for employees vested as of 08/31/14 Rule of 80 and age 62 for all other employees, 5% reduction per year prior to age 62 TRS standard annuity (maximum annual benefit): 2.3% x years of service X average of five highest fiscal year salaries: e.g., 25 yrs x 2.3% =.575 x $50,000 = $28,750/yr. ($ /mth) Contributions: Employee: 6.4% of gross salary into your account Employer/State: 6.8% to TRS fund Employee and Employer contributions will increase over next 5 years Additional benefits: Death/Survivor benefits: $10,000 - $80,000 Disability retirement benefits (based on yrs of service) Ability to purchase credit toward retirement (e.g., out-of-state service, military service ) Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Will you have enough money in retirement? Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Texa$aver 457 Voluntary 403b Consider a stable income for your retirement: Your pension (State retirement) Social Security Personal savings and investments (like a 401(k), 457 or IRA) Deductions on a Pre-Tax/ or Post-Tax basis Flexible enrollment throughout the year Increase/Decreased deduction amounts anytime Start/Stop deductions anytime Minimum monthly contribution - $20.00 TWU 403B Enrollment: TEXA$AVER 457 Enrollment:
Worker’s Compensation Notify supervisor immediately 100% medical Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Important Takeaways Full Time employees are automatically enrolled in health coverage at no cost. The effective date is the first of the month following 60 days of employment. Part time employees and dependents must be self-enrolled online by you within 60 days of your hire date. Optional Benefit premiums are paid fully by the employee and must be self-enrolled online by you within 30 days of your hire date. The effective date is the first of the month following your enrollment. You must choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP). Specialist referrals ARE required. Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
Important Takeaways Health Insurance Cards will be mailed to you by the effective date Call United Health Care with your PCP choice as soon as you receive your insurance cards. You must certify Tobacco Use for you and dependents or be charged a $30.00 premium for you and up to $90.00 per household. If you will be choosing optional benefits certify your tobacco use at the same time. Otherwise you may certify prior to the 60 day deadline. Personal Information including address must be updated in ERS by you Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/
What if I Have Questions Later? ERS Benefits Information: United HealthSelect: To Designate Primary Care Physician: Step 1: Visit - Step 2: Call United HealthCare Customer Service: Dental Humana: TWU Benefits Department: Tony Yardley: or Angela Cagle: or Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/ Office of Human Resources Denton, Texas 940/