Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. A. Was liked by everyone B. Wanted everyone to get along C. Liked to fight
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a A. Teacher B. Dentist C. Minister
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave A. Speeches B. Candles C. Candy
When is Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday? A. June 15 B. July 15 C. January 15
Martin Luther King Jr. worked to change A. Clothes B. Laws C. Family
Where was Martin Luther King Jr. Born A. Kennesaw, Georgia B. Columbus, Ohio C. Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a famous speech in A. Texas B. California C. Washington D.C. D. Georgia
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech is called “I Have a Dream.” True False
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize. True False
How did Martin Luther King Jr. die? A. Assassinated B. Heart attack C. Watching too much TV
When is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day? A. The third Monday in November B. The third Monday in January C. The third Monday in July
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a special person because A. He wanted violence B. He wanted people to be treated fairly C. He liked dogs
The End