Status Attainment and Social Mobility Main Question: How And To What Degree Do The Circumstances Of Birth Affect Your Later Status? Ascriptive/Ascribed Characteristics Achieved Characteristics
Father’s Educatio n Father’s Occupatio n First Job Educationa l Attainment ACTUAL Occupatio n Blau and Duncan 1967
Parent’s SES Mental Ability Wisconsin 1971 Significan t Others Academi c Perform..589 Occupatio n Aspiration s Educationa l Attainment Education al Aspiration s ACTUAL Occupatio n
Supreme court judge (85) Physician (82) Astronaut (80) College professor (78) Lawyer (75) Dentist (74) Architect (71) Psychologist (71) Airline pilot (70) Electrical engineer (69) Civil engineer (68) Biologist (68) Clergy (67) Sociologist (65) Accountant (65) Banker (63) High school teacher (63) Author (63) Registered nurse (62) Veterinarian (60) Police officer (59) Actor or actress (55) Athletic coach (53) Journalist (52) Professional athlete (51) Undertaker (51) Social worker (50) Secretary (46) Real estate agent (44) Farmer (44) Carpenter (43) Plumber (41) Mail carrier (40) Barber (36) Truck driver (31) Factory worker (29) Store sales clerk (27) Bartender (25) Lives on public aid (25) Bill collector (24) Cab driver (22) Janitor (22) Waiter or waitress (20) Bellhop (15) Garbage collector (13) Street sweeper (11) Shoe shiner (9) Duncan’s Occupational Prestige Rankings Determined By: PayEducation Abstract Thought Autonomy Determined By: PayEducation Abstract Thought Autonomy
Dr. Pitt’s College Major Clusters Prestige Rankings Number In Front Is Students’ “My” Evaluation Number In Back Is Students’ “Society’s” Evaluation
College Major Status Ratings Agriculture Arts Business Communications Education Engineering Health Humanities Natural Sciences Social Sciences ALL FEML PRIV MALE PUBL
College Major Status Ratings Agriculture Arts Business Communications Education Engineering Health Humanities Natural Sciences Social Sciences ALL ANGL ASAM AFAM LATN
Father’s Educatio n Father’s Occupatio n First Job Educationa l Attainment ACTUAL Occupatio n Blau and Duncan 1967
EDUCATION (Your Education) DESTINATION (Your Occupation) ORIGINS (Dad’s Education and Occupation) Blau and Duncan 1967 Basic Model
Sponsored & Contest Mobility Contest Mobility Elite status is the prize and you get there through Elite status is the prize and you get there throughMERIT Final Award is delayed as long as possible Final Award is delayed as long as possible Sponsored Mobility Elite status is the prize and you get there through Elite status is the prize and you get there through RECOMMENDATION of other elites RECOMMENDATION of other elites Recruits chosen early in order to control their Recruits chosen early in order to control their training training
Sponsored & Contest Mobility “Contest” System“Sponsored” System S YSTEM IS BASED ON AchievementAscription E LITE STATUS IS EarnedConferred S ELECTION FOR ELITE STATUS IS Delayed as long as possible to permit a fair race Done “as early as practicable” to ensure control over training S OCIAL CONTROL Futuristic orientation, norm of ambition Socialization to appropriate roles, restricted access to elite skills/customs V ALUE OF EDUCATION Schooling valued as a means of getting ahead Schooling valued for cultivation of elite culture
Questions To Consider Average Salaries, Full time Workers (CPS 2013) All Workers HS Diploma Some College AA Only BA Only White63,60144,68050,69450,74473,434 Asian68,01736,63140,41553,05571,088 Latino40,06634,47240,65042,06159,258 Black44,43834,78939,49541,01455,185 Why are there racial differences? Do we really want to get rid of ascription? Are diplomas/degrees just weed out mechanisms? You “must” be 18 to take the GED. Why? Why are there racial differences? Do we really want to get rid of ascription? Are diplomas/degrees just weed out mechanisms? You “must” be 18 to take the GED. Why?